Reinforcement received: NKVD

You forgot Chi nu kai and uhu plane.


Indeed, sorry I wasn’t playing at that time so I missed quite a few event.

I think that there is also a BT-7 with a 76mm gun, but I had no idea how it could be obtained.


It was an old event as well. Very nice vehicle, definition of glass canon. Fast. Powerful. Explode when sneezing near it.


My main battle tank for low br. Extremely fast and powerful cannon love it


It was a very old event reward (i swear i thought it was a twitch drop reward i was wrong).

Damn look how much better old events were compared to current ones. You could pick whatever squad you want first and even got a new vehicle and gold order.

They really should make events like those again. Give us some high BR rewards and Low BR rewards at same time.


lol… i dont even remember it even though i have it…

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Still a really goofy weapon to give them, even if they did only
buy a handfull of them in reality, lol.

The squads wear unique winter uniforms (probably Stalingrad/Rzhev preset)

Since they are BR IV/V squads, they will often appear in Berlin maps, so

…will these squads have unique uniforms for Berlin maps too?


NKVD=WW2 KGB. Aka) Not a real combat unit, and it’s very silly for this to be in the game…

Not true at all…

You’re confusing the NKVD with the NKGB, which was the predecessor to the KGB.


Ok, I’m not an expert on the WW2 russian military, but I’m pretty sure they were similar to another so called “para military organization” from a certain other country at that time. All I’m saying is that I just think it looks really goofy to have Russian soldiers running around with 1930’s era “gangster style” Tommy guns. I mean theirs no way that they went into combat with those, right?..

Almost a thousand M1921s were bought by NKVD via Mexican proxy I believe, IRA got their Tommy guns the same way. Someone was really desperate to make a profit back then.


Based on your information, These guys probably should come with a vehicle then, lol.

American delivered thousands of drum Thompson to the soviet


I mean I’ve seen pics of lend lease m1928a1s, but not m1921s with 100 round drums…

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Hoping for a Japanese equivalent event squad like the ‘Kempeitai’ after this one day. Nevertheless very nice looking squads, although in saying that Germany really, really should be given a 100 round belt for the MG.




lmao, i think thats badass.

NKVD in black leather coat, with Nagan and a Tommy gun, lol.

Sadly not the best cap they’ve made, but i’ll maybe change it to proper blue one in customisation.

Very cool. This is probably a very early war picture I would imagine.

Since a guy wearing a budyonovka hat - its early 30s i guess… In best case.