Recatigorization of the BAR

Weird argument, since basically nothing is behaving like reality.
And reason? Because enlisted is just very casual friendly game. Not some kind of milsim.
Using realistic or historical aspecs as arguments for balance just doesn’t make any sense nor has any real value.

I am not fan of drastically changing equipment which is already present in game. Especially since devs can easily come up with new equivalents to FG-42. (Even though I thought changing BAR is good idea, I don’t think so any longer)


I said the BAR shouldn’t be changed because it’s not the true equivalent. However the the Johnson LMG is

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Johnson is almost a copy and paste with different skin

Johnson is way better than FG-42, at least from my experiences.

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The stats are basically the same. Same damage, same mag size, the layout of the gun is same, the sights are same, the reload is the same (maybe .1 difference), the RoF is slightly more on the johnson but the vertical and horizontal recoil are higher on johnson.

I do not study stats, but Johnson felt way more accurate than FG and higher fire rate was noticeable to me.
But it’s true, vertical recoil reduction perk is essential for this weapon. It’s beast once you obtain it.
Plus it has slow mode and it starts in full auto unlike FG.

The BAR weights 8 KG, the FG 42 weights 4 KG.

Everyone here who had the pleasure of holding a real rifle before knows that 8KG is not good for a infantry rifle.

It makes sense why it is in the MG category.

Tho, as someone who picks on realism quite often, even I have to admit that the BAR being used as an assault rifle is less ridiculous than the FG42 being handed out like its free candy.

Gameplay balance wise I wouldn’t be against the bat becoming a regular trooper weapon.

And whatelse do you have for US in MG categories except Bren and M1919 (assuming Johnson is also a rifle then)?


Please free Wastedwoodsman™. Been suspended way too long. Forums need his vivacity.


FG42 II is the worst of all top tier rifleman weapons, AVT-40 has more dmg and less recoil, M2 Carbine is superior at close range and has way more ammo.

People want to nerf Axis to the ground and devs are doing exactly right now with removing mid tier paras, putting KV-1 into BR3 (while it’s counter Dicker is at BR4 lol) and adding M1 Garand into BR3, and M1 Carbine with nade is still at BR2 while Axis don’t have any viable counter against them (G41 has 8sec reload).

Bar is superior to MG34 and they want to give it to the rifleman so you could spam 9x BARs LMAO that’s a great way to kill Axis nation once and for all i will desert every single match against US if it’s going to be implemented.


I know it goes without saying but I’m just saying once and for all the FG 42 is NOT a LMG

The BARA2 should stay as an MG because it was specifically designed into that role

But they could make the original Pacific BAR and maybe a field modified BARA2 as automatic rifles


Fg 42 sure as shit ain’t a battle rifle. And according to ingame it is.

I want consistency.

All top tier riflemen weapons should be automatic rifles of some sort.
The western allies has more than enough LMGs to fill the gap the bars leave behind.
The western allies having de facto assault rifles on everyone is already a hilariously imbalanced reality.

Functionally, the BARs are no more than FG 42s, statwise, apart from the movement penalty. Remove the said penalty, and you essentially have weapons that would leave all major factions mostly balanced.

Move the M2 Carbine to the assaulter slot in the assault rifle category, as an analogue to the stg variants.

“Well that was what their role was” is a weak argument in a game that hands out assault rifles and submachineguns to medics. Doctrine in real life does not translate well in-game. We’ve long since sailed past historical accuracy.

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Personally if it was up to me I’d only have Medics have rifles. The Soviets maybe gave SMGs to some of their medics. And they certainly shouldn’t have assault rifles either

I hope maybe one day it’s changed

I just want my American Medics to have M1 carbines

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I disagree it should be semi Automatic rifles automatic rifles should be given to assaulters


What is your rationale?

Automatic rifles tend to be used by shock troops (assault class) during the war rather than riflemen who would be issued a bolt action or semi-automatic rifle also most automatic rifles used an intermediate cartage rather a full rifle one


The first half was a good argument but the second half……auto rifles used rifle rounds

No way to change barrel quickly, no way to sustain fire support with just 20 round mags - BAR fails not only as a machine gun, it even fails as automatic rifle.

The only saving grace for the gun was it’s availability, US being able to mass-produce a sizable amount of them.

So… Historical context.


I was expecting balance arguments. As I’ve mentioned. Historical accuracy has long been thrown out the window.