Rebalance of AVT and FG

today we played with our “friends” from RGD who sincerely believed in the imbalanced FG and weak nerfed AVT.
And here’s what a surprise, the Soviet weapons played much better than the German ones, who would have thought, but what happened happened, in connection with which I offer you my point of view on weapon balancing:
Raise damage from 14.4 to 15.3, today there were a lot of situations where I survived after the first shot, after which I reacted and killed the enemy
The accuracy of the FG is simply terrible and this also needs to be fixed at a distance of more than 50 meters, it is quite difficult to hit
Also, it is necessary to remove the rate of fire increase buff from the upgrade, such a rate of fire (830) with such a small magazine is simply excessive
Reloading is too long, but if all the points above are completed, it does not need to be made less.
And also cosmetic, fold the damn bipod, as it is done in the FG 42 with a grenade launcher, and please make a tactical reload animation, stop pulling the bolt every time
improving only the FG and forgetting the AVT is wrong because then the AVT will become the worst automatic rifle
The AVT needs only two things: a 20-round magazine and normal recoil like the AVS
That’s all, basically.


yes, what a suprise… (nope)

…Whats surprising is it was a proper match up instead of mixed factions? although it looks like the game was open to be mixed?


hehe hellllllooo body armor


no, the game was only the Soviets against the Germans, because they unironically believed and will probably continue to believe that Soviet weapons are weak


Disagree since the FG-42 2 start in full auto it have been more balanced than ever

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Soviets are pretty tough in this game. We all know why

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lol on the other side of the forum they say literally the opposite

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Maybe they do but Allies and Soviets are well looked after.

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This is a suggestion, but not categorised as one :thinking:

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you are also forgetting one other balance factor, body armor. in soviet vs german matchup fg42 will be in disadvantage cause it will need 2 hits to down vs 1 hit from AVT.

so i totally agree with your suggestion and also think devs need to remove body armor buff.


Either that or allow other factions to have body armor like germanys Fliegerabwehrkanone.


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We could add a bayonet also or try to balance the dispersion which could make the FG-42 quite more competitive and accurate as AVT-40

I haven’t figured out the forum and how it works yet

wouldnt equalize it much in this case… soviet SF do enough damage to bypass


literally the worst automatic rifle at the moment, at close range it is inferior to the auto hei (and AVT/AVS with a bulletproof vest), and at medium ranges, both the T20 and the Soviet weapons will be much better.


I think body armor should be left because it is a factional feature of the Soviets, like the Japanese shin-gunto, except that their use can be limited, it is obvious that all soldiers could not use body armor


Quite weird and expectacular to hear a russian Say that URRS is better than GE (specially on the aspect of SF rifles)

You must be the choosen one :parrot::camel::dromedary_camel:

Why did you decide that I’m Russian? I’m a cunning Jew)

You litteraly want to transform the FG-42-2 into a battle riffle and that curse. Because the FG-42-2 should be more like a M2-carabine.

lol why does it have to be like the m2 carbine? then why do we need the STG44


Simple more rounds and faster aiming speed