Readjust the supply box content of OG43 paratrooper team

The OG43 paratrooper team has been upgraded to level four, so the content of the supply box should also be changed accordingly.
The anti tank squad in the OG43 supply box should replace the GrB-39 with the Panzerfaust-60, as the GrB-39 is unable to effectively penetrate most tanks in level four, or even if it does, it cannot cause effective damage. Moreover, the Panzerfaust-60 is in level three and it is reasonable for it to appear in the hands of paratroopers in level four.
Please consider this opinion officially.


@Recker0315 Can you help forward it to the official.:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Having a flamethrower is the reason why this team went to level four, and similarly, because this team went to level four, the contents of the supply box should also be changed accordingly.


Yes I know that but what I’m saying is people will complain saying oh they can’t have this unless they take away the 6 flamethrowers and change it to 3 or 2

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Maybe, but OG43 is too weak at level four, so the changes I proposed are also quite reasonable.

@Myrm1don What do you think of this proposal? If it’s appropriate, please forward it to the official team. Thank you.

Actually, replaced with Ofernor since is the BR4 launcher for German, the PzF 60 is BR3

Also increase the mag size of OG43 since you can use MAB38 40rnd in the same BR, hell even 50rnd since you gonna fight soviet Drum SMG and BR5 weapons with it, and 500ish rpm won’t help you


They better give us low-mid BR paras since US have now 2 paras at BR1-3 and will be spamming them 24/7 while new players going to quit or play as Americans, Soviets are the unknown but knowing Gaijin they will also get para at BR3 while Axis has none of the low-mid lvl paras, and at same time top tier paras are inferior to American equivalent anyway. So what’s the point of playing Axis? You will turn most populated nation into one of the lowest populated post merge. I hope you like bot matches because there will be more of them. Remember your poor excuse about “newbies asking how do we get them (squads)” now you can say that if you want paras in your low BR you don’t play as Axis and have to join the Allies.

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Perhaps so.Could you help forward this post to the official? I hope they can at least make changes to this point first, and the rest can be adjusted through the statistical data after the big update.Thank you.

I’m not Enlisted helper/moderator/dev, i have no direct way of contacting developers, ask @Euthymia07 @Devenddar @_TheLucky @KitsuneLord91 @James_Grove

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@James_Grove look look.:kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Imo paratroopers box lodout should change in base of the BR and all paratroopers should equip progression gun for change BR


That doesn’t solve the problem, OG-43 is a toy gun, it deserves a 40 round magazine.
OG-43 is basically a M1 Beretta, so why the +1 BR.
Flamethrowers don’t justify the uptiering when OG in its current state is too weak to face even BR3.


The only reason I could think of is why they want to do that is so they can massacre what new German players they can get their hands on when they come to this game.

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I agreed with that sentiment until I saw 18 flamethrower paras drop on the first point seemingly out of nowhere in the Tunis Campaign after that the match turned into a bloodbath it became not about winning but trying to hold out the longest until as defeat was all but assured I would rather them be limited to 3 flamethrowers and down their BR

you always complain about that most Paras I encounter in game are the Tommy-gun ones I also dislike having that many MGs in the squad for another reason it weighs down the squad to much I end up equipping them with SMGs if I don’t need the AT or Engineer as it is better to have lighter equipment as the Vickers is bad at precise close quarters engagement as the only thing you can do is sprayn-pray with it in that type of engagement waisting the 1 out of 2 mags you got

I vaguely care about this game so I do not want end game to turn into an absolute abyss

If you believe that then the same should be done to the allied Normandy paratroopers or make it so they have to grab their weapons in the box and they have a Thompson instead of having a 100 round MG when they land.

no Mark I Stens it should be unique and British

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I’ll take anything I just don’t want 100 rounds when they land