RD-44 machine gun needs further strengthening

If it is level five, you will not encounter opponents at level three, so there is still a difference.

So please help forward it to the official, they will understand. Thank you.

Each of the four countries will be split into two queues: the matchmaker will try to ensure that players with battle rating 1 and 2 play separately from 4 and 5 and do not meet in the same battle.

Players using equipment with battle rating 3 will have an equal chance to get into battles with players rated both lower and higher. As a result, the list of maps for players with battle rating 3 should also become very diverse.

Is Your translator broken or something?

Or major skill issue with reading?

Literally in every past news post:

The matchmaker will try to assemble sessions to ensure that players with weapons from the early stages of the war (battle rating 1-2) play separately from players with later and more powerful weapons (battle rating 4 and 5). Players using equipment with battle rating 3 will have an equal chance to get into battles with players rated both lower and higher.

Yes, if you are level one, your opponent will be level one, or level one and level two.
If you are level three, your opponents will be level two and level three, or level three, or level three and level four.
This is not contradictory to the announcement.
The principle of BR in WT is the same.

There is nothing to support your claim, there are dev announcements that state literally the opposite.

It’s not the same, yet, for now we will have only 2 queues. Why do You think there are post calling for ±1 BR like You claim we will have after merge?

Level one meets level two and three.

Level four meets level five and three

Level three can either join low BR queue with level one and two, or high BR queue with level four and five

Each of the four countries will be split into two queues

Straight from Important changes after the second test

Each of the four countries will be split into two queues

split into two queues

two queues


Im out, im not here to teach you how to read

I think the main reason for RD 44 to be tier V is so that it can only be sent to Berlin

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Level 3 queque is 3-4-5 change here BR would solve nothing aside than make the unlock faster

it is pretty inaccurate when i pick it up from russian veteran like really inaccurate so maybe lower it dispersion by a little bit would help

Okay, it seems that we can’t convince each other. We can only wait until the official update before reaching a conclusion.
The method is simple, let’s see if level one players will encounter level three players.
Also, I still insist on my viewpoint that RD-44 needs to be downgraded.

The weapon should not be in the game in the first place and it should not be seeing any of the lower level players.

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i didnt really propose a change in tier tho just the bullet spread

That will cause a big problem, and this should be the aspect that needs to be changed. Players with equipment at level three cannot compete with players with equipment at level five, and this should be changed.

The only place that weapon belongs is in Berlin and it’s more magical than the Fedorov

It already worked like this in test servers. BR1 plays against BR3

But i guess we will never know if You can’t ever admit a mistake


yea i found tier 3 when im using tier 1 so you right

The opponents of level three players should only include 2, 3, and 4

They should not be there to begin with and it’s supposed to be a rare occurrence but not to be a common thing

yea but atleast it not a FAL prototype that somehow that one ww2 mobile game have which is ridiculous oh and not to mention the tokarev or whatever it call in that mobile ww2 shooter game

and yea i did search to see if that game even try to be slightly accurate but nope FAL prototype didnt exist anywhere near 1945 at least from what i see

I was talking about how it is, not how it should be. I even said this is how system will work in future.

No wonder you can’t understand simple sentence if thats your response