Rally point distance and respawn time trade off

inb4 i know similar thing was tried but executed poorly, all i mean is for it to be executed once again but regardful for all previous issues.

idea: increase the range in which rally point could be built but reduce/delete entirely queueing/respawn time.

why: assaulters/flamethroopers have the advantage in cqc right? so by putting rally this close the whole disadvantage that comes from distant threats are gone. Meaning all these squads most of the time just have to safely cross one street and they’re good to go.

outcome: the time you would’ve spent waiting for respawn could be used with having to walk and plan your moves ahead, i think it not only just trade off fairly, but also increase the tactical aspect to the game, while >finally< slowing the game pace down with which actually many players did agree upon of doing so already.

i know topic is thin ice but i think it would’ve solved rally rushing a little. I just want to be able to catch these types of squads before they can make it to the point, right now it’s unfairly difficult to do.

Thank you for your attention


Outcome: personal mines would be more used on rally points.

There’s no point on what you are saying, during fighting you can’t spawn anyway. It wouldn’t help with anything.

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it would prevent rally rushing. man fr the distance of rallies bothers me since I’ve joined. waaay to close, it makes whoever build rally points wins, and don’t get me wrong, it should be rewarded, but these should allow you to attack from another angle, not on top of the objective. many times the battle outcome is too much related to rallies rather than overall performance, this is why people gets furious when people don’t build them.

it just feels wrong…

They done this before, but some maps was broken because those map are too small, they can’t build rally point because they are too close to the capture point or spawn point after the range is increased. Dev reverted the change after getting numerous complaints.

yeah i know that, it wasn’t the issue with the idea itself but the execution and surroundings, i really hope they would open maps a little more and then do this change properly.

i don’t get it, why would they restrict the range to the spawn? i mean spawn is spawn so what is the issue?

Maybe it will make sense in big map like Moscow, but it will be hard to implement in Berlin.

You can’t build rally near spawn point. The increased rally building range reach places near the spawn point for some map. So there was a funny situation at that time, One step forward, it will say you can’t build too close to capture point, if you step back, it will say you can’t build close to spawn point.

i saw the post and it was indeed ridiculous

tho why???

I don’t know. But I guess maybe because it will mess up the UI since there are too close so they may stick together in spawn screen.

it might, but then it’s weird they did increase the range restriction to the spawn, it’s not like the rally icon gets bigger :rofl:

anyway thank for sharing, i really rather having this than “NO, GET OUT” kind of discussions

I don’t think they increase the range restriction from spawn point. What I said is the range restriction from capture point had reach the spawn point for some map.

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ohh, now i get it thanks!

so this could be possibly a thing all they’d need to do is implementing some APC/PC and then move default spawns further back.

I get what you are trying to achieve, but I don’t think this is the right approach to it.

Rather, I think the better solution would be to create a longer respawn timer on that rally point, according to how many times you have spawned on it. An additional second for each additional time. HOWEVER, if it exceeds 10 seconds, others can spawn ahead of you as your timer ticks down. Once it hits 5 seconds, nobody else can spawn ahead of you.

  • The exception to this is if you are using your own rally point, which you will NOT suffer from the timer penalty.

This would solve a variety of problems at once.

  • It will encourage more rally points to be set, in order to avoid long respawn timers
  • Players will learn to take a little more precaution with the lives of their soldiers, as numerous respawns will greatly delay them
  • Players that rush forward relentlessly will be slowed down.
  • Players will likely start building additional rallies in an attempt to spawn more frequently, therefore also giving the team more rallies to use as well.

devs seem to avoid solutions like these, to treat better players better, they tend to treat players equally, this also applies for:

although it doesn’t solve biggest problem that made me come up with this, cqc squads being able to spawn so close and avoid all of their disadvantages of being med-long targets.

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From my understanding, you are trying to ensure that squads like assaulters and flamethrowers will need to move up from the spawn rather than just a rally point, in order to give a better chance of defending against them right?

If so, that’s what my counter-suggestion is trying to do, but with a mechanic that still has advantages, just with the drawback of the more careless that players are i.e. running in spamming fire and grenades, and therefore likely dying a lot, will not be as able to keep up their endless assault with such squads. Eventually, the timer will get to be long enough they would rather spawn in the back and move forward, or spawn on a different rally.

exactly. the hardest part in leading such a squad is to manouver yourself into objective without getting killed, it’s much easier to do so if you have rally points literally a street away from one.

well yeah, i’m not stating whether your or mine idea is better, it shoud be tested in term of efficency though.

What do you mean by this? Like everyone can spawn simultaneously from a rally point?

I like the idea of moving the rally points away from the capture zone, but I don’t know about unmetered rally spawns.

to compromise these changes. It spawns you further away but you don’t need to wait. So instead of waiting for respawn you can spent this time executing your tactics.

i think moving rally points further away is eventually what this game shoud have.