I saved the same Zero 5 times in a single match, once. A single graze often ends up with coolant or fuel tank pierced, which is very annoying. I once saved a plane that was nothing more than a fireball…
I love to deny opponents who just barely grazed me a free kill.
That’s just false statement. You can repair your planes. And that’s hugely significant for gameplay.
The only problem is, in Pacific campaign, the 90-second spawn penalty at the start of the match does not apply to aircraft spawned in the air (unlike in every other campaign).
The instant spawn at the start of the match should only apply to aircraft spawned on carriers.
Well, over the Corsair it definitely is better. It might actually be worse than the best P-38 in anti air role…it just comes with 2 massive Los Bombas which you definitely need to push back on the damn german tank hordes
Yeah we desperately need some actual fighters for higher tiers
That’s basically my yardstick for saying “the plane is good/I like it” And almost no US plane in the TT actually makes that cut lol. Sure, you can use them if you play like a little B and always try to jump people with advantage
The lead indicator doesn’t help but the fact is the air map is simply too small and the fights so low to the ground you almost never can put any useful distance (unless you started the fight with way way WAY more energy than the other guy in the first place.
And yeah, the amount of people who try to use energy fighters to knife fight turn fighters is also a problem lol
For example, if you’re in a P-38 fighting a Zero:
you dive on it from way high (lets say like 1000m higher than it is), try to hit it in a single pass and no matter what you just fly past it and depending on what the Zero did you either just run as fast as you can (without maneuvering too much to keep your speed up but also not flying dead straight where you can just get sniped from far away) or you zoom climb back up.
Generally you use your speed and better energy retention to stay away from it’s guns and only attack when you have the upper hand.
If you get too slow too close to it it will just chew you up and there is nothing you can do at that point
I’m not sure In WT, bomb load DO impact flight to some degree but… In Enlisted I barely see any difference with or without bombs (thought I get rid of them by force of habit in a dogfight). P38 even without heavy load, isn’t good enough for anti air. Unless the enemy come straight at it in a line (which is foolish considering p38 got a lot of firepower in the nose).
I do find bombing with p51 a bit difficult thought. I feel like it suffers from the same “syndrome” as the Wulfs: it goes to the sides…
But in the air, if one does not have the Tempest, p51 is veeeery capable (so is the Hellcat I shamefully forgot earlier)
I mean…you don’t dogfight with it, you just come from Low Earth Orbit, blast somebody and go back up lol
It’s fine. But so is the AYAYAR lol. If I’m going to be honest I think I’d be more scared of the AYAYAR while in the P51 than of the P51 while in the AYAYAR…
well as best US fighter if we remove the British currently is the FP-5 its event or premium but that’s if you love dog fights overall P-47D-28 is your best pick but its not a dog fighter so if you go against planes like Ki-84 don’t dog fight it or J2m3 or BF G-14 even the K-4 will outperform you in dog fight even a good Zero player can shoot you down if you decide to dog fight just remember that you are a zoomer not a fighter
Yeah, I like to fly everything. But certain planes are always in my deck to be used as wild cards, just incase you end up in a busy game where advantage isnt likely
Well as far as strictly denying the enemy nice things (air edition) there’s a few more factors to consider
The F-4U likely has a higher ordinance weight per burst. Meaning for every second of fire, it has more literal weight in lead flying at the enemy than the P-38. This could be wrong as it depends on the RoF of the 20mm’s vs the .50’s, but the .50 has a pretty low RoF so I’d safely assume that’s the case. Not to mention the 20mm’s have payloads. HE and whatnot that can do significantly more damage than a ball or AP .50 ripping through. So the F-4U has more damage potential per second
That being said, the P-38 will be significantly easier to aim. All of the P-38’s guns are mounted in the nose. Straight shot all the way down. No convergence to worry about. Only putting lead on collision course with the target regardless of distance. The F-4U on the other hand has wing mounted cannons, meaning they aim inward slightly and converge at a certain distance after being shot. Before or after that distance and your ability to get effective hits reduces drastically
And of course the P-38 is one of the fastest propeller planes of the war, so it can catch up to most advisories easily and has an excellent flight ceiling due to the turbos on each engine
So it depends on your skills and what you value more out of what I just said
The M8 rocket has poor penetration capability.
Tigers can usually only be detonated by shooting at the ventilation nets
So the Advanced Environment 500lb bomb and HV rocket are better options
The La7 is a remarkable fighter indeed.
But for me it’s hard to substitute the P-40 with 2x100kg + 1x250kg. And is reasonably maneuverable, unlike the I-185 imo (only used it once and didn’t like it, mb it’s a matter of getting used to it).
P40 is a powerhouse of firepower indeed, my only problem with it in high br is it’s speed: it’s too slow for high br. At it’s respective br however… I accept no substitute for versatility.
Depends. The F4U-1C will lose every dogfight it gets into, but has better ground attack capability(no engine power lol) whereas the P-38J is a F4U-1C with actual engine power but worse ground attack capability.
Yea no the LA-7 and G.55 are really underrated. Having good maneuverability in a fighter means you can get so much closer when bombing. There’s a reason you see more tanks get blown up by 60 kgs bombs on Pacific maps than 50s anywhere else.
It’s really not that bad. The map with the train (well used to have a train) is perfect for pilots, so large the playing field is. The one with the big bridge as well
It’s in the Berlin city maps that planes are meh… unless you see smart pilots following street lines to align tanks well and delete all king tigers in one swoop.