You can easily destroy any tank with HVARs + p47 has a bomb.
There is no way that P51 will ever be better than P47. It’s like comparing a PPSH box to an AS-44 and basing your entire argument on the broken dispersion of the PPSH box.
Even though AS-44 is completely out of PPSH’s league in basically every other aspect.
You are confused.
Question is: which is better, corsair or p38J? (both are fighters, not attackers like the p47)
OP already has the P-47.
Once again, my answer was that, imo, p51d is better than both corsair/p38.
Well it’s really all I’m saying you know: to fight other planes, p51 is a better choice over the Corsair or p38. It was his question. Which is better in a fighter role. I’ve kept the Corsair in my lineup because I love it and it’s versatile… It’s just not my go to choice when facing enemy aces
Until hopefully… we get tech tree Typhoon! Or late variant Spitfires! (I really hope)
I assume p51D is good against enemy BR V planes right? Because if that’s the case, I think I am going into research my points into M26, since there are two other guys who aslo say p51D is the best figthter.
Note: Japanese and axis (pure fighters) will still have the edge. BUT, they will need to work for it, you’ll have better chances in a p51 than a p38 or the Corsair. Most ppl prefer the p38 and Corsair NOT for their fighter qualities, but for their ground support qualities (rockets).
Not so much that I dont like it. Win plenty in the Mustang, But Hellcat, Spitfire and Tempest are much easier to slip out of a bad position when you dont see the enemy coming or in 2 on 1s. Pretty important to me. To be able to get out of a bad position.
True…in a perfect world I would be worried about that too. But the general rule in this game is everyone turns when they should run/extend so… lead indicator showing up 1500 meteres away doesnt help (low BR turn fighters wreck because of this…because everyones first instinct is to try to turn to get guns on).
Besides, most enlisted pilots (I use the term loosely) are only interested in dropping their payload. spawn, dive, fly straight, bomb.
Im waiting quietly for spitfire mk IX, Typhoon, fiat g.55 series 1, Re.2005 series 0
depends what plane, speed difference and at which point you break off (you dont decide to break off after hes already got behind you…that decision is too late). The great thing about forced first person is, tracking can be difficult and used to advantage. All you need is the space to lose him, or reset.