Well normally i address Japan lack of equipment but USSR also need a bit of Equipment in lower BRs to keep up :
First we give them Semi Auto like the rest of the nations :
SKS 31 :
Then We Move all BAR rifles (GOLD Weapons also) to BR II and give the soviets :
Browning wz.1928. :
For US Johnson is moved to BR III :

BR IV we give them Lewis 47 rounds :
And two new vehicles for BR II for USSR :

And 2 Premium Rocket Artillery Squads for Japan and UK :
UK Rocket Artillery Squad :

Equipped with SLEM-1:

And Webley Self-Loading Pistol
This Squad will sell good as you know the people have so much love for FN Model 1949 and this is World War 2 FN !
Japan Rocket Artillery Squad:
Equipped with ZH -32 -20 rounds:
And Chinese Automatic Mauser
Squads will be BR IV…
And Finally Paratrooper Event for Japan and US for higher BRs:

Equipped with Johnson M1944E :
I really hope this will be the next event ^^
interesting concepts, indeed
Hell no they are more powerful than MG34 and all guns at BR1-3, they should stay there, plus russians just received their RPK that acts as a BAR substitute with the nerfed stats (mostly mag size, less rof and higher recoil but better dispersion). Why you you want to kill BR1-2 mate? Leave them alone.
What MG 13 is better then the BAR … what are you talking about BAR is not a BR III LMG at all …ZB-26 is also better then BAR … BR II I just love how German players try to limit other nations no MG 34 is BR III Much better then BAR at BR III…the BAR at BR II will change nothing I will be able to play my us squads at lower BR’s with US LMG not with British…If its up to me I would put even Type 96 LMG and Type 1 SMG to BR II and Germany will have FN 1930 BR II MG 35 /36 is BR II at the moment and this is also BAR you know …
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The lewis for 47 rounds is sad
The lewis was a very well used mg and should be br 3 for the british or at this point western allies
I meant lewis 47 rounds in br 4 is sad as it is in br 3 with the soviets
I know in the future we can change it its really BR III Equipment but didn’t wat to Germans to complain too much cuz MG 34 is better then Lewis …but you see how they start crying when you want to lower the BAR to BR II …
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Bars at br2? Johnny at br3?
Have you used those before? They’re God tier, the BarA2 and Johnny are exellent at br 5 (in fact it’s what I use)
The Lewis is fine at br3 thought… so much recoil on it (there’s a premium one you know) BARs are better 
Wouldn’t mind the SU on br2, thought. Tank destroyers should be 1 br lower for all factions…
BR 5 really put the Stinger then you will know what a real BR V weapon is xD BAR is nothing special equip Type 97 Much better then BAR
Eh… no. I prefer my BARA2 thank you. Perhaps old Pacific 1918 could go to br2… but the rest is exaggerated.
Ok Equip with Germany the ZB-26 how the BAR is better then the ZB-26 ? Or the MG35-36 if you have gold order buy it if you love the BAR you will love it and its BR II also
A2 has 27 / 12 recoil.
mg13 has 25 / 18.
ZB26 has 32 / 18.
And, top of that both german lmg’s has the usual -50% sprint speed penalty and movement disp penalties.
Bar has just -25% sprint penalty and less movement disp penalties.
And MG 13 has 5 bullets more and ZB has 150 more rate of fire…
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In that case, it probably is OP.
Either nerf it or move to BR 5.
Also the BAR can be equipped on 3 people max and Owen MK 1 can be equipped on 5 how something changes on the Meta. Its just excuses BAR is simply BR II LMG BR III must be something with more bullets
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You keep comparing to axis…
I never even mentioned them. Just saying BARa2 and Johnny are fine at their Br as they are already God tier.
And what US LMG you gonna equip at BR II ?
Well, that’s some totally stupid suggestion there.
Looks like its 2x bren or vickers.
All of them having the same movement penalties as Mg13 / ZB
Do you even read when I answer you?
AAAAND there’s already Vickers, Bren & Besal at br2.
No, Commonwealth & United Staters are sadly, not separate factions.
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