Questions for developers

Question about Invasion game mode:
How do you calculate the refund of reserve units when the attackers capture a point? Is it a set amount, calculated by recent losses of the attackers or something else?

Would it be possible to provide a logistic token exchange. like 5 bronze will give you 1 silver?
Right now I have 8 mortars for 2 guys and about 16 flamers because of the random bronze logistics.
That and far to many pilots when i need troopers.

FG42, build by senior engineer, is too strong! Nerf Pal!

Do you meant MG42 nest?
First, it is a placeholder, so we can expect proper models in the future (hopefully with some slight reworks)
Second - how is it too strong? It was nerfed already: it takes ages to build, overheats much faster than before, has more weapon sway than before and can be destoryed by a single bullet.
Just don’t run straight into its line of fire - flank. They will be no problem anymore.

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  • When are you going to add Tiger and Sherman Firefly in Normandy?
  • STG 44?
  • Stug III & KV1 in Moscow?
  • Will there be Stalingrad in the Moscow campaign?
  • Will there be paratroopers?
  • And the most important question. There be plans for japanese and pacific campaign?
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Thank you for making this game the way it is today. It is an amazing game, and I see huge potential in this.

I only have one question, arguably an important question, but before I do that, I would like to give you a bit of context to give you an idea about why I ask this question.

As we all know, grinding is such an important aspect of this game. With Premium or not, you would have to take part, grinding, etc. To get nice weapons/vehicles.

However, I want to know why we’re grinding for those? And why do we have a lot of squads? This makes me think - I have played numerous games like Heroes & Generals, where RTS is involved in FPS. And resources are incredibly important, the whole point about RTS is - it’s a live war, and your resources count, fighting for a total domination, conquering cities/sectors in order to win the war.

Thinking about the amount of squads, the grindings that we have to do, now I can ask a question - do you have any plan in regards to RTS? Where players have to fight for total domination with thier limited resources? An example would be Heroes & Generals obviously, and there’s another one called Red Orchestra 2.

Having RTS in Enlisted means that we have two reasons to grind - better weapons/vehicles, and RTS. I hope you answer this question!

Thanks for reading!


Ok, serious face now, when we gonna see answers?


Ich mag den Einzelkämpfer Modus, aber nach dem Patch heute mit teils fehlender bzw abgeschalteter Benutzeroberfläche kaum spielbar…könnt man da nicht eine Option einfügen das die Leute selber entscheiden können ob sie so oder so spielen wollen? Ich brauche zb die Minimap und die Anzeige des Munitionsvorrat so wie das ganze andere drum herum…

Pacific is already confirmed