Questions for developers

hello dear dews. i have simple question about how are you adding finland to game? there are files for suomi kp31, suomi kp31 with muzle brake and lahti saloranta m26 lmg. is this just future premium stuff for rich kids or is there coming winter war after tunisia?

bonjour peut ton mettre les gens de mĆŖme niveau sinon injouable
car joueurs de haut niveau dƩgoute de jouer car ils gagnent a chaque fois

Why the jumbo.
Why the chaffee and so on. Historical accuracy isnā€™t there

Why donā€™t we change the name from normandy Campaign to france campaign!?

Already submitted this over the poll, but itā€™s here for visibility:

What are your planes for continuing game development after Tunisia is well-established?
Is the campaign system an obstacle for adding new content?

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Greetings! I will forward these to your question box as well, but here are my 3 questions:

  1. Customization:
    When will it be available and are the current premium squads going to have the ability to be customized? Would I be able to equip a small ammo pouch into my assulterā€™s backpack slot, but change it to not look like Kar 98 ammo pouches if the assaulter has an MP-40?

  2. More rewards, achievements, and daily events:
    I have finished the battle pass and now once you beat your daily tasks and collect a few silver cards there is no more incentive to keep playing the game as much as I enjoy it. Are there more objectives/achievements/missons coming? Let me jump through hoops, achievements are fun!

  3. Premiums:
    The M/28 Engineer Premium Squad in the Moscow Campain has an unusable sight (picture attached). The MP-40/1 from the battle of Berlin got nerfed a patch ago without any notification - a 64 round magazine was replaced with a moderately uncomfortable 32+32/64 magazine system. I love to buy unique squads and weapons, but not when they are later quietly nerfed or are unusable.

Overall, the game looks great and is a lot of fun, thank you for your work!


Amen for the M/28 premium squad sight

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Jeah i understand you butā€¦ Consoles only have Enlisted in this Categorie of Games u know.
Selectable Categories of Matches would be the Solutuionā€¦

And got another Wishā€¦
Much Mooooore Levels to levelupā€¦ lvl 29 is boring, i got 200 Hours and 2 Fraktions on Max Level.
dont understand the Comments who cry about Level up takes long Timeā€¦ i got every Round 15000 points and more so wyh the Cryā€¦

YEEEP thats my Opinionā€¦ more Achievements would be soooo Awesome on Playstation
because i collect them since 10 Years and Enlisted got no Platin Trophy so sad :frowning:
but more Bronze Silber and Gold Trophys would be mega Nice. I dont expect a Platinum but the others would be enough.

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Exept there are like, millions of ways of doing so with different stuff.

Cosmetics, boosters, yada yada yada.

You know, itā€™s actually sad that in 2020 and 2021 in a alpha and beta, you have to test micro transactions. So that they ā€œā€can understand ā€œā€ the limit where they can go. When the game is still plagued by bugs and issues.

I mean, sure, it takes time. And itā€™s all about priorities. But someone should really reconsider those last.

Or we will reach new world point where it died even before coming out.
( the game from Amazon game production/studio )

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Which, again, I wouldnā€™t mind all those content behind paywall ( even if itā€™s getting at a point that the logistic section itā€™s getting bigger and bigger within each update ) but I donā€™t really like the way they are basically begging for money,

Like if they forgotten somehow all the already present micro transactions.

You want my money? Thatā€™s somewhat fine, but you gotta earn them. Because quite frankly, they are doing the opposite.

Again, not always for complaining, but premium squads are and was one of the interestring feature but done very wrong.

Instead of actually being different squad with lots of variety, they ended up being all the same. Unique cosmetic and weapons? I guess it sounds good. But itā€™s just full of automatic weapons. Itā€™s not does not provide something that really interest. Because once you buyght the, you will ditch them.

Itā€™s not something really thought out for long terms. Lets just say, it would be cooler for premium squad that I start with four dudes, and I can upgrade them with different layouts from the vanilla squads. That provides something different.

Like having a flamethrower guy, a radio operator, and a machine gunner alongise dome troopers and one assaulter.

And lastly, I know that Iā€™m going to be disappointed because the cosmetic are just going to be overpriced as well ( which I wouldnt have minded ) but what they are not realizing is, what do you think people are going to buy, more weapons and orders? Or a fancy hat/helmet/uniform that will surely cost double?

Iā€™m just losing hopes Iā€™m afraid. Anyway, letā€™s see how it goes.

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Me again, I took a little break and pleased to see EL as good as it was, but still see no Russian Antitank in Berlin, why Piat Normandy too? Are the devs going to give us our bazooka and Soviet at for Berlin, please choose this question :pray:


If I were to guess at this pointā€¦ those would be introduced at some insanely high campaign level. But I really hope not

Itā€™s kinda ironic that you get heavy tanks earlier than iconic smgs.

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Heavy tanks that are at Fury level (aka complete joke) of historical accuracy as bonus. :clown_face:

All my posts from this discussion seem to be missingā€¦ How can I know if deleted and why?

Thank you for the game, I really enjoy it. Hope Iā€™m not too late with my questions, here they come.

  1. How satisfied are you with open beta and the amount/level of players, opinions, the way we play and bug reports?

  2. Are the bug reports collected by some poor soul or they come and go, just the most important ones remembered? :slight_smile: Is there a way we could see what are your current interests? E.g.

  • confirmed bugs,
  • bugs/features you are currently about to fix/add,
  • minor bugs that will surely not get fixed soon because some parts of the game engine make it near impossible
    etc. so we donā€™t report the same issues tenfold. Or better to do a community effort on that?
  1. Probably itā€™s confidental how many people are developing the different parts of the game, if so then maybe just percentages: how are your development resources are split between
  • new content vs. bugfixing vs. balancing
  • AI, graphics/glitches, units/items, internal testing, Dagor/network backendā€¦ (So if itā€™s like 10% AI, 20% gfx, 70% Dagor [the game engine] then we know you have trouble with the game engine limitations. :slight_smile: )
    or anything more sensible to answer to get a gist of what youā€™re most and least busy with currently.
  1. Do you consider adding noncritical features with cheap price tags instead of the extreme priced pay-to-win squads? Like video playback option of 5 ā€œbest momentsā€ per soldier for a few hundred enlisted gold per half a year? Or anything in the same mentality like detailed stats and collected medals per soldier and graphs showing the average position/xp per day etc? Iā€™d love to have features that are not pay-to-grind/pay-to-win yet support you with some small but periodical money (like 2-5 euro per month altogether) so this game can keep running and get improved for long even if Iā€™m not willing to pay a small fortune for a special squad.

  2. With half the complaints about pay-to-win because of Gaijin being too money-focused, what is the Darkflow vs. Gaijin setup like? Is every priority in the devā€™s hands, or is it Gaijin that tells all the things you should focus on, or Darkflow is 100% Gaijin-governed? I assume there are milestones set for you by the publisher and otherwise the bug reports we give are up to you to prioritize, is it so?

  3. What are your three biggest wishes to ā€œget doneā€ currently, so if they suddenly and miraculously just get working//finished the way you want, that would be the biggest relief for the team?

Btw. keep up the good work and please donā€™t listen to all the forum whining, weā€™re good at it and enjoy doing so but only one third of it is worth listening to, otherwise youā€™ll have to nerf then buff all things all the time. Two words I learned on this forum. :smirk:

Thank you!

Now that sandbags are easily destroyed will you revert the engineer reinforcements to allow us to stack one wall on another like in CBT? Engineer defences are really quite limited right now.

Are they planning on fixing the Spawn Window that comes up when a squad is wiped out and you can choose a new squad to spawn with - If an Engineer puts a spawn within the play area the spawn is not always available to spawn on the Spawn Window map does not show itā€¦
fix map a
For example the above map show A B and C points to fight over an engineer unit puts a spawn to the side of A this is a completely legal place to put a spawn point it is where the yellow squad is; however, this spawn though still up after this squad gets wiped out may not be spawnable it is unable to be ā€œseenā€ when the spawn window comes up - sometimes it is sometimes it is not. The entire play area with the spawns perhaps needs to be made smaller so when the spawn window comes up ALL of the available spawns can be seen.


The following are the questions I am most interested in personally:

  1. Will there be a large continuous battle? For example, the simpler ones are like Operation Mode on the battlefield, or the more complicated ones are more strategic, as the Campaign mode in Red Orchestra 2.
  2. Will there be a mode with more real players, such as a squad game with 20v20 or even more people?
  3. Will some maps focus on tank battles or air battles? Such as a broader map and a greater number of vehicles.
  4. Will there be sea battles like Zeebrugge or Heligoland Bight in Battlefield 1? Or is it possible that there will be ships that can be used?
  5. When can the bomber self-defence firepower be installed? To be honest, all aircraft now are either flying T-34s or Kamikaze.

Thank you for making a very good game with many flaws :wink:. This game has a lot of potentials. Hope you can maintain good communication with players as you are now, and hope that Enlisted can attract more players by modifying certain issues related to experience acquisition.

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Will you fix the fact that an enemy tanks turret is rarely in the direction where the enemy is actually looking?