Questions for developers

You are helping us to create Enlisted in providing feedback and suggestions. We are trying very hard to keep you informed about planned changes and want to expand this communication format further.

Ask developers about what interests you the most personally in the game!

In asking a question, stick to one simple rule - try to ask about something you already see in the game; missions, squads, vehicles, weaponry and about game mechanics.


You can leave your question also in this forum topic.


Раздел не тот.

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У меня всего три вопроса:

Когда будет починен баг с лимитом самолетов в Нормандии?

Когда будут исправлены неадекватные строчки в таблице результатов у танковых экипажей, которые дают им +20% опыта кампании за первое место в команде?

Когда вы добавите бустеры для кампании, которые выглядят не как премиум-отряды за 4к рублей? Я регулярно закидываю деньги в игру, но хотелось бы больше импульсивных микроплатежей(200-500р), чтобы забуститься на пару часов до нужного уровня кампании, играя, а не просто платить золотом.

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First off, I love Enlisted and you all are doing a great job. Haven’t had so much fun with a game for years!

Here are my questions:

  1. Will we get the correct uniforms for the German Fallschirmjäger?
  2. What do you think about a new game mode like Frontlines from Battlefield?
  3. What do you think about adding haptic controller feedback for PS5?

I would love to see more detailed “behind the scenes” updates. We could get to know the staff a little bit better and understand the process more at the same time. Specifically in regards to the development of AI, which is arguably THE selling point of the game.


Thank you for this oportunity, I have only three questions.


  1. Currently we have option to purchase active slots which is giving paying players big advantage in comparison to F2P accounts. Do you have any plans to make at least some (1 vehicle, and at least 1 infantry) slots grindable according to the suggestions made on forum?

  2. Enlisted currently have vehicles that are not historicaly accurate, and are creating powercreep in the matches (such as Jumbo being too strong or PZ IIIB that is too weak and not being in service at all in 1941). As community already suggested solutions, do you have any plans on replacing such vehicles with better fits?

  3. Severe nerfs of shotguns are unecessary and most likely a result of skewed data caused by engineer squad in Berlin testing phase. As result of the nerfs, shotguns are extremely underperforming. Are there any plans on re-buffing shotguns?


The shotgun was fixed appropriately, as before all individual buckshot pellets were doing full rifle-calibre damage EACH.

That does not change anything on the fact that they are now underperforming and not worth using at all in comparison to any SMG.

Love this game, very fun. Huge potential.


1: time frame on Tunisia? Me and my friends waiting for this

2: will other nations have their own divisions available in campaigns? Ie Italian specific divisions in Tunisia.

3: time frame on being able to choose game mode (invasion)


Are there plans for future that you will add also Pacific campaign?


Thanks for doing a QnA! I have a few questions

  1. Are you planning on removing/ reworking the jumbo and other non-historical vehicles?

  2. Are you guys going to remove the British and Italian guns from Normandy once the Tunisia campaign releases?

  3. The current campaign system is already a bit too grindy. And with new levels being added the grind is getting even harder. Are they’re plans to make the grind of the campaign a little less hard?

  4. Are you planning on reworking the FG-42, M2 carbine, AVS-36, and ZH-29 so every solider can’t use them?

Once again thanks for doing this!

  1. Will FG-42 and M2 Carbine be restricted since they are extremely powerful and widely available?
  2. Will we get extra inventory space for Veteran Soldiers instead of new perks?
  3. Will the British guns be removed from the Normandy Map anytime soon?
  4. Will there be an XP increase since now XP feels really underwhelming?
  5. We will see campaigns focused on minor countries (Greece vs Italy, Romania/Hungary)?

How are you going to rework perk system? Currently, many classes can earn useless for them (like pilot and run speed, etc.) and also, only few of them are useful.

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I think a lot of people would really appreciate an update on the issues of:

  • Constant artillery spam
  • Mortar spam from the out of bounds area
  • Bomber pilots frequently wiping out 15+ people in one bombing run

These seem to be the biggest balance issues at the moment.

Also, I’d really like to know if people being killed by a bombing run, while inside a building, is working as intended or a bug.

Thank you for reaching out to the community, it’s really appreciated!

  1. Can we pleaaaase get a fix for engineers who constantly have their fortifications destroyed by non stop artillery and aircraft bombs? make sandbags and barbed wired immune to these weapons so only things like tanks , anti material rifles , and infantry explosives can damage/destroy them. maybe even add items like barbed wire cutters that all classes could unlock and carry.

  2. I like aircraft however its very hard to spot infantry on the ground unless you get very close and the models pop in, but by then you are already going to crash. Maybe increase the LOD?

  3. More aircraft weapons. The IL2 could carry all sorts of weapons from bombs , to rockets (of both light and heavy types) to cassetes full of bomblets (very deadly for tanks and infantry in the open). It would be nice if we could unlock new weapons for aircraft.

  4. Better aircraft sounds from the ground. When an aicraft is flying overhead its a extremely loud and terrifying experience. Especially fighter aircraft with very powerful engines. It would be nice if this was improved. Also the stuka siren is currently very buggy and cannot decide when it turns on and off.

  5. Better tracer effects. Not alot of games get tracers right but it would be nice if this game tried to get tracers to look and feel scarier. They should cast a small amount of light , bounce around sometimes , and be quite bright. It would also be cool if tank shells that richochet or bounce acted like they did in the first red orchestra game and made a big THUMP when they hit the soil after bouncing off the tank.

  6. Better smoke grenades. Right now to have an effective smoke screen you need a large grenade pack and 3 smoke grenades to get an advance moving. A single smoke grenade is absolutely worthless even for just crossing a street. These need to be reworked completely.

  7. some way to prioritize or block certain weapons/gear from dropping during copper ticket rolls. I dont need any more mortars , but i need mosins. There has to be a way to get rid of some of the not needed weapons from the roll list

  8. There was nothing wrong with the shotgun its now absolutely useless as a weapon in this game. Even when it wasnt nerfed i didnt use it that much , but now there is NO reason to use it at all.

  9. I like the idea of alternate melee weapons. It would be cool if we could get more melee weapons like a shovel , or brass knuckles or something to spice it up.

  10. Last but not least. I like the trucks and the cars in this game but none of the maps are very useful for them. Hopefully the devs are working on a kursk campaign and it can be heavily focused on long range tank fighting and infantry taking truck rides from objective to objective (maybe this can be something for tunisia and other african campaigns too!)

  1. Currently demo packs are so wide spread and powerful at taking out tanks that there is really no use for bomber troops other AT weapons. Do you plan on balancing this to make Bomber soldiers and AT weapons more useful.

  2. Currently radio trooper and moratrs fire blindly but historically the radio man was a spotter and light mortars (50 to 60mm or less) had to spot for themselves. Have you considered changing those 2 classes to spot where their rounds are landing thus making those 2 classes more actively involved in the battle?

  3. About 2 weeks ago you stated in your Q&A that the tank armor models needed some work. Since then you have release even more tanks into the game.
    Can you provide us with a status on which tank models have been fixed and which your still working on so we can test using various AT weapons?
    Right now there may be some issues with some AT weapons but we really can’t test AT weaps if the Armor models are still bugged.

  4. On the tank partice range we need crews for those tanks and some way to test weapon penetrations?

  5. Can we have hit decals on the tanks showing the penetration?

  6. What are you thoughts on creating dynamic maps so that we have more variety in maps? The bocage terrain in Normandy would lend it’s self quite nicely to dynamic map creator.

  7. Can you remove bristish weapons from US squads/ tek tree so that US squads only use the equipment that they historically used?


Tunesien Release?
Bigger Maps? Much more Bigger !!! Muuuuuch… Grande Grande
Remove the British Guns so the American Players can be happy with their 3 or 5 cheap Weapons.

Thank You Great Game love it. Deutschland FTW


My question:

  1. Since in War Thunder Air AB and RB are many times more popular than sim mode (which locks your view to the cockpit), and since AB and RB both use 3rd person view for several reasons, would the devs PLEASE reconsider giving us 3rd person view when flying planes?

I can understand about the reasoning for ground vehicles so I am not concerned about tanks as much, though I wouldn’t complain if that was eventually changed too.

i don’t think they can because
A) aircraft always needed spotting outside of spotter aircraft
B) CAS attacked known enemy position or any moving targets which is why historically when tanks had to stop they would do so by a tree
C) humans didn’t and still don’t have a drones following them


I love this game, I love the additional vehicles, bought several of premium

Any replacement vehicles coming in to help balance Moscow Normandy (t34, Jumbo related)

Engineers used to be able to stack sandbags, but due to set packs not destroying them, stacking was removed, this was a massive selling point to me and I was wondering if any additional work was to be done re engineer placements, also new allied mgs too.

British weapons on Normandy and Thompson, any thoughts on dropping it to a lower level?

Any chance we could know what vehicles will be added, which definitely won’t? I saw a load in practice but the current maps and feedback from some means some people would not be happy as it affects balance, I personally want as many as possible!

Any chance of high level roadmap showing what content is being looked at?

It is brilliant you have this Q&A but I see people using it to provide feedback (as above) not ask genuine questions, just hope there is some form of review and the forum post is refreshed so we don’t have to read stuff over and over again, so some form of comments up to x date, dev response… I hope you know what I mean.