Public player stats is a dangerous feature

Once again
New =/= Dogshit
Stop equating the two as they are not the same whatsoever

Soft morons need punched

So you agree that bad players will get hit regardless meaning your entire argument is meaningless

I have always been anti-shitter determined balance

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I am very sad what this forum is turning into
@_31420124242011 @Shiivex @Rickyd123 you guys win

I guess I’m the only one whos not welcome
I’m just very concerned about this if it gets added I doubt I will be a part of such a forum



You’re merely on the receiving end of

Don’t have a cow, man


most forum posts have more negative feedback than positive, a player who agrees doesn’t need to comment :slight_smile:

my man keo

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There is no right answer. Public replays is also a thing and no one is using such at a mass scale to bash others.

Everything as an usage. Or a purpose.

There’s always a way to make said stats private as default and an option for public. If one is concerned it will be used with bad faith

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no im not
I only saw that there is no way to change your minds and I want to avoid endless argument
If you think I’m a bad plaayer I can show you stats if you want to even though it’s against my morals

True solution:

Just don’t let any stats get over your head. Those aren’t numbers calculating how much fun you have and therefore, are meaningless.

Ppl will always brag with, or without stats anyway. Just disregard.


Stats for me are only worth to keep my progression

I improved here, I will do more kills there. And notice a personal progression.

When we do ask for stats is basicly a group of people on a discord bored with nothing to do

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My favorite thing is to look at the stats of all you spam players and then mock you in private chat. : D


i demand to be taken seriously with my 50% normandy allies WR. :stuck_out_tongue: i am not bad… its my team…

not really. good arguments are good no matter who writes them. just look at the MM changes right now. it happened cause good and bad players complained about game balance where end game gear just brings you too much advantage.

and again not really. most veterans do really care about game balance and are understanding of newbies and their troubles. if newbies have ok behavior and ask nicely about game mechanisms veterans will gladly explain it to them. i really cant remember any game that had update that was harmful to new players and that was requested by community. usually those kind of updates come directly from devs without any community feedback.

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And we achieved that without looking at each others stats.

but a lot of them also abuse the new players

that is true, but if they ever get in an argument with a veteran player, a vet might use stats to show his dominance even when the actual argument has nothing to do with in-game experiance.
ive seen this many many, oh god MANY times in other game communities

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Skill insecurity

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only if new player is an asshole. i really havent seen much bullying of new players over the years i have been gamer. only times i have seen it happen is when they are behaving like spoiled brat.


Or if they can’t communicate in an intelligible language
Though that might not be mean spirited lol


(cap is indoor in opera house)

LISTEN! BUILD RPs (cause I won’t myself) HEY!"



Win rate stat wouldn’t even matter since you can just leave matches and it doesn’t count against you.


Capture/ Defend!

(Zero to very low cp kills)


Bottom of the scoreboard players always tellin others what to do lol, zero engi scores always asking for rallies

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I do that in the campaigns, where I don’t have engineers.

Does someone really care ? Just another in the 13583 names long list of 13yr olds that have banged my mom according to internet.

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