Public player stats is a dangerous feature

I decided to make this topic after reading another topic so will put some of the elements from that topic to this one

Talking about public player stats:

Well let me make a small topic before any ‘‘elite’’ players start feeling superior, this is a bad thing

As he already stated, this is exactly what would happen if we get public player stats
I’m not concerned about people judging each other for their K/D as much as I’m concerned about people judging each other for their win-rate

Imagine this, you are a good player you enter a couple of battles and loose every time because you have a brain dead team
Later you go to forums, make a suggestion/complaint/report etc. and a dozen of ‘‘elite players’’ answer your topic like this:

  1. Skill issue
  2. Lol, a guy with 0.5 K/D is teaching us the game
  3. As soon as I saw that you have 40% win-rate I stopped reading this bullshit you posted
  4. Learn how to play and then come back here
  5. LOL a noob is lecturing me
  6. at this point I would just quit the game if I was as bad as you
  7. you complain about X being overpowered yet u don’t have it unlocked congratulations you just played yourself
  8. I just looked at your stats, you are a liar
  9. shitty players are not welcome here etc.

These people are known by many names. Seal clubbers, Stat Padders, Internet alpha males and so on. They are normally very socially awkward people who in order to express any form of dominance, they go to forums and bully new players. That’s the only thing they do and they are a problem for any game community.

There are games such as World of Tanks (my childhood game) which got a bad reputation just because of this type of people. Here’s what I got after downloading that game after 4 years and complaining about matchmaker:

first this is how easily you can find someone in the game. I typed my name as an example
Screenshot (17)

Second, this how you get treated based on your skill:
Here’s my post
Screenshot (19)
Here are the answers:

Screenshot (25)

As you can see, when we get public stats, this is what we are about to see.
On public stat communities, which I’ve been on a number of, your personal skill level determines how other players are going to treat you. The lower your skill level is, the higher chance of being bullied can occur. Enlisted can become just like that if public stats get added. And the feeling of being part of a forum where 99% of players look at someone’s stats before they comment is also very awkward. It’s like being naked in public


  1. Don’t introduce public stats, make them only visible when a player is applying for a tournament so a bad player can’t join a good team and kill their chances to win

  2. Add the ‘‘hide your stats’’ ability so players can choose not to make their stats visible

Lastly, if in the future someone bullies you for your stats just bring him here than I will call some players with good stats to bully your bully. We must not allow enlisted to become llike this

  1. Skill issue
  2. Lol, a guy with 0.5 K/D is teaching us the game
  3. As soon as I saw that you have 40% win-rate I stopped reading this bullshit you posted
  4. Learn how to play and then come back here
  5. LOL a noob is lecturing me
  6. at this point I would just quit the game if I was as bad as you
  7. you complain about X being overpowered yet u don’t have it unlocked congratulations you just played yourself
  8. I just looked at your stats, you are a liar
  9. shitty players are not welcome here etc.

well tbh when he has shit complaint about inability to win game in 3 hour and then blames it on MM rigging cause he didnt buy gold… i would shit on him with or without stats.

good arguments are good regardless of stats.


For sure but lets be honest here, lot of people will use stats to discredit others opinions.


exactly my point. We still don’t know who on this forum is capable of being like that. It could be anyone of us


I didn’t expect this lol
Yeah I know my post on that forum was just a stupid rage quit I just showed it to you guys to represent how this mechanic can be abused :stuck_out_tongue:



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well considering i have been part of gaming community and various game forums for a long time, most people have some basic netiquette.

people who are mostly dunked with stats are those who mostly shitpost about how shit the game is for some arbitrary reason and most of those players are just overall bad. or simply make terrible suggestions that would ruin the game cause they dont understand basic mechanisms of the game (and people with high WR usually understand those mechanisms, while people with low WR dont).

personally i dont care either way. yeah if mechanic to show player stats is available, there will be people using it one way or another.


Nah its a good thing
Mega bad players shouldn’t get free reign to try and dictate game balance
Their opinion should be discounted almost entirely if the stats are low enough

Anyone afraid of that has a skill issue
inb4 muh toxic
Refer to above

I understand that it can be taken to extremes, but .5 k/d and sub 60% WR players really shouldn’t be taken seriously when crying about balance. Enlisted is an extremely easy game to at the very least keep respectable stats and find success in most matches rats aside.


People already call ghost busters thanks to being able to see and search for names in replays. Not that worse.


while that’s true that doesn’t mean it will bring any solidarity or harmony to the forum, quite the contrary it will bring a lot of toxicity and harmful feedback

When a game community works by people checking each other’s stats 24/7, new players tend to get left over
Everything they write or suggest gets immediately turned down by other more skilled players.
What this does in most cases is actually create a game that is very hard for new players to even touch because only end-game gear players are the ones who write feedback based on THEIR point of view. So future game updates in these types of games mostly suit only the veteran community and in some cases even harm the new player community
That’s why many games which are like this, stopped receiving new players so they have to change their goals to milking money out of veteran players to make the game still running

So if a new player gets killed many times by a weapon so powerful he cant even counter it he isn’t allow to complain or post anything without getting bullied? Really @_31420124242011 I thought you are better than this


With the new MM he will not see said weapon

Next one


Also, a new player is one thing
A bad player is something else

These are not the same thing
Trying to equate it as such is disingenuous


I say stats can give some form of merit,

a player who has less games or not maxed at a specific campaign (both sides) may not be able to provide that much of a credible source or opinion of what does that specific campaign needs

a player who uses a specific side may be biased

a player who has a low W/R but a high K/D may suggest of a passive playstyle, stay behind and snipe from the back

I don’t see any forms of toxicity really, I see facts


or a vehicle whore


Vehicle whores get the rope


still a passive playstyle, staying back and sniping with a bigger caliber (with HE or AP)



not true, overperforming weapons can appear every time, we still don’t see how this update will look like. Maybe they put PPSh and Berretta on the same level just like they did in Moscow

New players have right to be heard and to have a normal discussion. It’s not all about us veterans. We tend to think we know about everything just because we can click faster with our mouse

Do you have any argument to justify your claim or you are just going to shitpost like that

if a bad player makes a bad suggestion people are not going to agree with him regardless of his stats. You still didn’t gave a proper explanation on why this is such a good thing to be in the game
I have very big concerns about your behaviour when this gets added

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It’s pretty easy to tell just by the people defending it on this thread. I agree that nothing good will come from open public player stats. It should be something that’s off by default and you have to opt-in to.

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