Preliminary list of changes for the February update

Truth be told though with how sweaty/toxic/cancerous the playerbase has become especially since the merge I’m having a very hard time enjoying the game full stop
Its not fun to play like its a fucking esports championship because people want to play like its one CONSTANTLY
Or just play like shitheads with grenades and grenade launchers


And like yeah be better than me, that’s great
But every single match having duals and quads of people playing like that makes the game genuinely exhausting to play
its not fun in the long run
And the constant events to bait people in to boost player numbers and keep them engaged I think ultimately contributes to mass burnout

I don’t even know if there’s anything you can do as the dev since this is just seeming to be the trend of all online gaming.


Chibi size ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠)

Since you’re adjusting the rate of fire on guns, the m1 carbine would be greatly improved with an increase to it’s rate of fire.

I have no clue what are you talking about. I definitely do not share same opinion. And I’ve been playing mainly BR5 past few weeks.

The only thing that’s pissing me off is imbalance of factions. Faction bias still exist mainly because of artificially unfair ticket/capture speed policy.
Meaning, you don’t want to play B5 Germany solo rn.

But I have not encountered meta clowns on every step.

Squad limitations?
Lastly, as i remember, barely anyone complained about a “spam” of some squads…

Is it really a necessary change?

I am against it, the limit would just prevent using triple squads i like, not even OP squads, but squads like mortar…



You mean turn on right?


they need also add a fix when they swim, and fix bipods, but it’s a good start

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AI rally building when?

If a user place one to be build and have another engineer in squad, can command him to build it for the user.

its a nice way to keep in fight and have the soldier building the spawn :slight_smile: more than one engineer on a squad is always a good option!

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it’s not readied change that we will talk with devs about it based on your feedback before and after


I’ll throw my two cents in
Actual specialist squads like Flamer, Radio Op, mortar, and Sniper should be limited
Rifle, Assaulter, Engineer, MG, and medic shouldn’t be at all

And I’m talking about spawned simultaneously in a match like how vehicle types are limited


May i ask about one thing which everyone is caring about:

When will we get the promised extra squad slot for premium squads?


No, they’re proud Kiwis :slight_smile:


It’s planned, i can’t give exact ETA, you know it


Looking very very promising guys!

Thanks for listening to us players. See a lot of changes from suggestions and feedback in this list.


We waiting a lot on new feedback here about sights and other improvements, the more detailed, the better


So you guys just ignored the premium paratroopers I guess? Thanks.


Should double the RoF of all semiautos

And move BR3 bolties down to BR2 at max

Also Italian Paratrooper rebalance when?


We forwarded about that some squads doesn’t have a proper paratrooper helmet selection in customization. You know. usually 3d modeller need a time to model a new helmets с:

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