Preliminary list of changes for the February update

Honestly I absolutely hate being thrown into Urban maps constantly as Soviets. I would very much like to play high tier with them, but there is never really enough countryside maps.

I know you say the Moscow maps are “too open”, but also, if AI can use trenches more effectively now, isn’t it a good reason to push digging trenches in that scenario?

Absolutely bizarre take that BR 3 vs BR 5 is fine as-is

Soviet BR 3-5 is urban battles only which to say the least is unrealistic of the theater.
At least work towards some rural/nature like Kursk/Manchuria plz :pray:


Been testing this pre-update out and it is making me glad to finally make a USA BR 5 lineup.

This is probably one of the best QOL passes this game has ever given to us players.


Edit: I found it odd that the vg. 2 got a buff due to it’s already great ROF and magazine reload, but a more faster rifle is not going to make me disregard it. I like that change. The AI changes though where they can finally use ATI weapons? Chefs kiss. Finally they can panzerfaust without me controlling them.

The AI reacting to markers have been hit or miss on the responsiveness. Maybe the priorities as the post said have some influence, but with two games played - they either act the same as before or slightly better. Better is always better so keep that going!

Now I have a suggestion for a HUGE QOL. Please make a keybind or some feature to tell your AI engineers to build a rally point on your curser location WITHOUT you controlling them or being an engineer yourself to start building (and request their help). Bonus points for when you are an engineer and start building with AI help and you switch to another non engineer soldier - let the AI and the soldier (now an AI) continue the building without stopping.


Farewell Gewehr 43 chambered for the 7.92x33mm Kurz cartridge


The name was just too big :joy:


No more seeing the killfeed hiding half the screen due to it’s ultra long name
Press F


so no uniforms for italians on eastern front and no new stuff? okay still cool tho


Also the MG event squad from Tunisia.
Ain’t them aus too?

no, new zealand


Need to add another map overall which is between Stalingrad and Berlin in terms of date

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Good and all. But when will we see a change in queues such as changing it to 1-2,3-4 and 5 by itself, or 1-2,2-3,3-4,and 4-5? Keeping Stalingrad away from tier 5 and changing BR 5 that were used in early war to tier 4?

I’m which case if they change the queues to 1-2,3-4 and 5, they can add battles such as Leningrad at 1-2 and 3-4, dneiper-carpathian offensive maps at 3-4, and 5 as well as narva(winter and summer maps) Aachen(at 3-4) operation bagration(both winter and summer maps at 3-4 and 5)

So, any proper mod editor masters can check if ‘type_hei_automatic_rifle.dxp’ can be spawned or not?


And Operatio Bagration looks like the perfect candidate. There were Tiger 2s, IS-2s, and everything else.

In the meantime though Stalingrad makes no sense as the only iconic actual city but polluted by no time restrictions – even ‘snowy USSR’ would be much more fitting in that role.

I disagree with this only because of the present circumstances of the balance between history and gameplay

There should be no reason why I can’t use the M1 Garand even in the latest of tier battles unless I have an M2 carbine on me.

I even want them to move some things to BR 3 to at least maintains some shreds of historical integrity. For example the AVS is an early war gun and yet it can only be used in the highest of tiers in Berlin. Yes yes I know but Stalingrad but they made Stalingrad high BR just because there is a lack of late war Eastern Front battles. See King Tigers in Stalingrad

It’s just like the Pacific, I guarantee once we get true late war maps they will make Guadalcanal and such BR 1-2 period just like Moscow

For now I think 3 going either which way is fine. Maybe one day they will make a more historical BR mode or overhaul

Honestly I rather see Moscow at 1-2 and then add more snowy maps for Leningrad at 3-4 and br 5 snowy maps as well as even tannenburg can be at 3-4 and even 5. Same for snowy maps in operation bagration and dneiper-carpathian

I still want a proper battle of the Bulge maps. It says Hurtgen Forest right on the cover!

This BR system is still turbo wank
Should definitely be 1-2 3-4 4-5
Or something

Because its not fun getting railed by 3 as 1 and 2
And 3 is unplayable most of the time due to 4 and 5 unless you get a punch down match to keep you hooked
Its an actual no go BR right now


These guns do feel way better. But I think the Thompsons still need reduction in horizontal recoil, then they should be good from there on out (Thompson .30 cal needs an improvement too). I’ll say that the Johnson Rifle, M1 Garand, and all the M1/M2 Carbines feel much better. Please carry these changes over to weapons like the Johnson LMG if possible since the bottle-cap sight is really shit.

I’ve noticed that ragdolls seem better but dead bodies should look a little more mangled in general.
See this Ragdoll physics mod for Half Life 2 for example.

Also, please fix or at least improve all of the British uniforms. They’re look weird being mismatched and without their Puttees.


Other than that, BR matchmaking improvements should be tested too. 1-3 and 3-5 fucking sucks. Either add BR 6 or just do 1-2, 3-4, and 5.

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