Preliminary list of changes for the February update

While I agree that BR1 shouldn’t fight BR3, because no real tanks, no MGs, no flamethrowers, no paratroopers, no APCs, no semi-autos, no rocket planes, still BR3 v BR5 is in a much better place.

PPSh stick mag, SVT-38, MG-34, Pz IV G, Ju 87 can hold their own and you also have paras, flames, APCs, so no missing mechanics.

Steam noobs on BR1 are going to have it baaad when they face two Shermans, two P-38s, two paras and two flamers lineup.

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Steam release should come with a BR/MM change, things are shit now… because we don’t have the players to ensure good quetimes without filling matches with bots.

+1/-1 should probably be fine and have sub 1 min que times with steam launch. Problem they need to solve is filling axis/allies whenever there isn’t enough queing, that can be done with a UI element telling people what factions need people queing for them, and those factions receive a bonus to RP/SL for finishing matches. If someone sees they can get like 25% more gains from playing for instance japan they might decide to start working on that TT, or maybe USA is bleeding players at a certain time same thing.

You can’t have mixed battles like in WT, so the devs ABSOLUTELY need to solve the problem of faction imbalance that comes and goes. Their current way of “”““fixing””“” this is throwing bots into the underpopulated side at the START of a match, and in a 10v10 game… you get it, its been said a billion times now.

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I think the most obvious and fair solution is “Join any team” XP bonus.

And matches starting only at equal real player numbers.

I’m not a huge fan of the join any team button because its awful for new or most players that aren’t pre merge vets at this point. Because they will get thrown into matches woefully ill equiped for it.

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Depends on the XP boost percentage.
I know Gaijin won’t allow it, but if it was something like 500%, new players would profit from “play any => grind much faste”.

So after a couple of Any Team days they can have all factions at least decently equipped.

Personally, I think you guys should look into possibly doing an aggro based system for your AI as I’ve stated in various suggestions>>>

In the case of pistols, a player should be able to eliminate a soldier or two before the AI would aggro onto the downed character, and then focus on killing them.

It CAN be, but also, its currently 3k silver for a decent pistol, making them as costly as a good primary weapon. Many players (myself included) don’t even bother buying them currently because they aren’t worth the cost with their very limited usage.

I know man, I’ve worked on a couple myself. That’s why I try to give detailed feedback. Half-baked generalizations on feedback suck to deal with in my experience.

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Im sure if the devs have any braincells there will be a big grind/catch up event that goes along with the steam release. Not only for the obvious reason, but as a kind of rugpull for new players to get used to decent gains for a short while to bolster steam reviews before we go back to depression times once everyones sucked in.


Any update on some premium/event squads out-of-place visuals?

What about low tier axis paras or Italian paras being tweaked? Is that being considered as of now I only play BR4+ axis for counter, I cannot test update on PS5 myself.

Can anyone verify on test server DA1Y Jap attacker, Stuka D3 tailgunner fixed yet?



@Veekay45 I remember you asked about the MP 38 long ago, now the model changed:


Can you put here current model for comparison, please?

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Nice! Thanks.

The only thing that bothered me was the post-war FLY-94 Norwegian service marking.

But improvements fornfun p"*n are always welcome.

Btw. Are there any plans to improve textures for FG 42 (not II, just the classic first one). Its sights looks extremely low res.
Or is it just me?


Can we please get the Heat Ammunition for the Pz 4 f1?


Thanks for 99 and 96


All this is very good, and we can see how they are putting a lot of work and effort into it, but (and there is always a “but”), the most basic thing for a game with these characteristics is still not added: Game mode selection and Map selection. Anyway, keep waiting.


Yeah, steam release should definitely add some sort of basic BR1 or BR2 event squads, to get players onto a good foundation.

Allowing new players to move too quickly into higher BRs is not gonna be healthy for the game, so hopefully we won’t see too many high BR goodies.

I’d rather see heat fixed, it has too little penetration power.