Preliminary list of changes for the February update

i mean in the current game it also like that

What new things would you like to see?

pershing is probably a good start i guess

Proper new maps, maybe a new gun or two, just something more to look forward to.

do you really think new players with a panzer 2 should be fighting KV-1s, would that be healthy for the new player experience


honestly if you ask me, 1-2 then 3-4, then 5 would be fun tiers too

i enjoy using semi auto rifles like the G43 and mondragon, but when they are in the same tier as battle rifles, they become competitively unviable


They need to increase the distance in which you can deploy your soldiers before they abort the orders and do dumb things like running over an open field towards you ignoring every safety measures.

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In Stalingrad, there are more buildings, but the street between buildings are open grounds. And there are too many places and windows that enemies can hide.

If you are attacking, enemies can comfortably hide behind windows and wait you cross the street. While you are doing that, they can easily eliminate your whole team with high BR weapons. That’s why I hate to play Stalingrade maps, because as long as enemies are playing well, we can’t attack at all.

If they only have low BR weapons, I still have chance to fight back. If they have high BR weapon, not a chance. Unless he plays so bad.

is the test server still on? can’t log.

nah pretty sure it over

Wait… Does this mean we can buy more or is it gone forever when you have sold them or do we have to buy a new weapon if we want them back? Or was this feature already in the game and I wasn’t looking hard enough.

BR +/-1 please love you thank you muah :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart:


Heya comrades, thanks for a lot of feedback to process, topic will be closed as test server is over and well, we need to look in your feedback more precise now to properly sent it to devs!
P.S Don’t forget to add Enlisted in wishlist on steam: Enlisted: Reinforced on Steam


Hello, the zip package will be fixed with the release of the update.
Support for old Vromfs.bin will also remain.