[Preliminary] Guide on how to upload and use Custom Textures inside your mod

Looks like that game loads minimap entity earlier then capture points. Custom image in mimimap appears only after restart and it seems that size and resolution don’t matter.

Orignal image:

Well… In theory you can spawn minimap entity after some seconds. But i’m not sure that it will works fine in multiplayer and without problems for players that join to server later then everyone.

Also. It seems file type (.png and e.t.c.) is optional. You don’t need to write it and game able find it automatically. And maybe * uses only for dds files, but I don’t know.


How to do this. ?

I cant load any image for minmap by many times of tring (including above example images)

Looking on minimap and in capture point icons… I don’t see any visible capture point with custom image.

I mean you need to add something like this in scene file code:

  transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [-465.564, 183.33, -436.929]]

But it shouldn’t be hidden.
You should able see capture point icon. But maybe you can hide it in another capture point (set same position). Problem… That you can’t hide it from capture points UI. You can hide all the points by adding something from the train, but it kinda… not very good. And still looks a bit ugly.

I dunno. In theory you can use your random item box spawner for create custom minimap. If it doesn’t display after that player joins to server then probably make it respawnable after each 10 seconds and self-destroyable after 9.9 seconds. Just thoughts. I’ll try to make it a bit later.

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Does this work for guns? Has anyone tested? I have created a simple test .tga and .png for the ammo of the stg-44 but it doesn’t seem to work.

    "stg_ammo_tex_d*":t="%ugm/stg44_ammo_tex_d.png" //or .tga

Judging from earlier responses this is no different to replacing vehicle camos, functionality wise:

Maybe someone has a solution/working example?

apparently, it appears they either changed the id for the texture of the magazine,
or it simply does not accept being changed for the base stg

( p.s " stg skin " it’s yours. if you are planning to make it red, make it as dark as possible next to the black. unfortunately, it kinda works like )

however, a solution for your case:


use the stg gold and create a new entity upon it.

remove all fields:

paste the custom tex over the magazine.