[Preliminary] Guide on how to upload and use Custom Textures inside your mod

Thats grate.

I’ll see if I can replace the background texture of the map and add grid markers to it, I’m testing if I can do that

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dunno if you can do that.

try to place the png into your folder and then change the path into %ugm/name.png

if that does not work,
you can try to use custom_markers.

make it bigger, and it should work ( as those can appear over the minimap )

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Probably it’s possible to do.


edit. actually, maybe custom markers works too.

so that you don’t have to make capzones.

i’ll try that in a moment.

it does not…

custom markers only work in the minimap.

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I wanted to replace the minimap texture for a long time. Please let us know if its possible.

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Pity I tried some .dds and .png and .jpeg not working yet


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did you put the png inside a folder called " minmap "?

i don’t know… but try to place it outside.

just to be left with:

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yes i put them in minmap folder

seems still not working

i place the png both path

works for me if you put it outside any folders:


( regarding the picture, it’s inveresed because i figured out that you can’t map textures in case you want to place decals or what you want. it’s totally randomic and inversed )

( you may be interested @Bazsi37 but be carefull the position might be off. you’ll have to play alot with coordinates and parameters inside the zfar etc


wow thats good news! :heart:

maybe some thing wrong with my image… my image is so huge 4096x4096 over 10mb…


try to resize it.

compress it a bit

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Did you add capture point with icon? And able see them? Also it would be good if in code capture point entity before then entity with custom texture.

Yeah… Currently time only using this way possible to add custom image-texture.

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nah it does work.

it’s just that his file is like, too " big " for it to be viewed by the minimap.

so he should try to resize it / compress it.

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Can i use jpg? jpg is more compress in size

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you can use jpgs:


whats the resolution of your image? I tried loading a random screenshot with a res of 1024x1024 but nothing shows up.

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it’s a 1920x1920

though it’s a jpeg.

try to compress it

Its already compressed to 503kb.

I asked because the minimap might only accept certain sized images.

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ugh… sorry i can’t really help you there.

try to open this picture:

and slap yours on top of it.
( make it fit with paint or something )

and i wish you good luck xd