Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

Spoken like true whale

I remember the at least rocket sherman won’t be spammed only for it to be spammed


Did you even see my topics history?
I was against mindless merging for the sake of “belens” from the very start.
And against anachronisms since 2020.

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Whaat, you want to buy overpriced premium squads and expect for Darkflow to make them viable for you? They don´t care how shit premiums are as long as people buy them, and most premiums aren´t bought because they´re either shit/expensive or both.

Ok even if we got bigger maps what then? The match is still gonna be 10v10 and the maps we have now already feel like Ghost towns. If the maps are gonna be big enough for us to need transports they´re gonna give us trucks to use or people will scream it´s P2W. Paratroopers still exist too and they can´t be marked like vehicles can.

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I dunno. I’m still holding out for the 506th paratroopers to go on sale in the Microsoft Store(as was communicated during the anniversary sale last month) Until I can get those, I can’t really see myself buying other premiums.

It’s also weird that Soviets and Krauts get APCs first when the US produced the M3 half track variant then sent them to the Soviets to use against the Nazis.

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Well, I am a whale, but I never saw the value in bikes and APCs in those 100m battlezones. I cant imagine them being usefull in Berlin, Normandy or Moscow (at best parts of SG and Tunisia), especially since the trucks are like 20km fast.
Rocket tanks at least blow up stuff and dont need to leave greyzones.

Really though? I didnt 24/7ed Normandy but I only met rocket tanks like three times there in total. I only hear from them from Psycho-Parrots rants about Allies.

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Like bug wrecks??? I dont follow

Two words: Market Garden.
It would be amazing if they added a Netherlands map (wouldn’t be hard. It is dead flat with some ditches lol) and then dynamically chose the map based on how many Allies in the matchmaking pool have paratroopers.

If they do a Market Garden map…gotta have hella paratroopers.

Hmm. One of the smart ones

The Merge is whatever. Sure, I can go with the people who say it was necessary for the divided playerbase to become a whole

BR system though? There’s my beef

Tweaking of the initial preferred map system would’ve been much better

Less people spam those useless trucks in crowded areas where everyone can kill it.

Two words: Not here.

Parrot rants about Allies?!

I’m shocked

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That’s just short-shighter or lack of imagination then. I use free bikes a lot to get on flanks and build rallies. but muh paras do the same, paras stick out like sore thumb.

Well then all i good in the world, anecdotall evidence always wins

If You don’t see issue of f2p game having every new feature, new classes that fundamentally change meta beign locked behind paywall or 30-day marathon event we have nothing to talk about

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Expecting 12 queues to not divide the player base was one of the dumbest game design decisions in history, same as researching MP-40 five times.

Putting new players with bolt actions and not even an ability to build AA/AT gun against King Tigers was stupid af as well.

And now the solution is this

Only that King Tiger is now in Stalingrad and my favorite battle in history is ruined.


USA will probably get bicycles. Very latest technology:

Soviets suffers. Obviously not usa…


Premium is USSR and Germany. My guess is they will have an event for US/Japan versions,

Imo still not worth it without extra slots.

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“Meanwhile, new campaigns will keep appearing in Enlisted. With their release we will launch in-game events, where you’ll have the opportunity to try these new items, units and weapons in detail, receive unique rewards for participation and unlock special achievements. After a while, these new missions and content will enter the general pool of battles as well as the research trees of the related countries.”

Yep propper gear coming soon to address balance

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yea that the one i was talking about in the ardenne post

I don’t really agree with that
To me it says “oh here’s new unit types and new ways to diversify the gameplay, something alot of you have been asking for… but first open those wallets”

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So we do get 200m maps in the future and the shitty D-Day and Inner Berlin maps get reworked to be bigger as well?

But not some mediocre speedy bike which has like two people in total, three with premiums.
And totally not a tank-sized halftruck.

Can be said to you as well.

So far it was paras and anecdotally rocket tanks. Sure, make them free/ not relying on events whatever.
Was just mocking on old APC-threads anyways.