Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

but hold on how will this rally work? like if i park it like 20m near the cap zone can they spawn? and is there anyway to tell if the rally funtion is working since if this is like rally then it have to be at least 50m away which tbh idk where rally can be place

so yea can this thing just spawn anywhere unlike rally or this is like you said “mobile rally” but with rally point restriction (minimum distance from cap zone)

also im gonna buy this only cause im a support player and god damn a mobile rally with gun will help me more than walking then getting snipe


APC in train escort​:skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:
You can quickly drive behind enemy lines attack them from behind the spawn.

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that what im gonna do

tbh i always want to do that

Welcome to blitzkrieg (I’m aware it’s a wrong name)

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It says the rallypoint is active as long as the vehicle is in one piece…might not even have to be stopped?

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You paid full price of premium, you will use it to its fullest extent.

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It is for sure but APC still suck (theoretically ofc) unless they make them like paras and give them ridicilious stats and features beyond the rally story.
Because as of right now we get tank-sized bikes with rally-option for open maps, where tanks already struggle to drive around without getting stuck facing infantry armed to the teeth with AT weapons (not to mention other tanks) .
Being cynically, making them buyable only lessens the wrecks.

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So if my math is right:

  • Stug III, Germany’s most mass-produced IFV of WW2 – PREMIUM
  • M3 Halftrack, USA’s super mass-produced APC – PREMIUM and not for USA
  • SdKfz 250, Germany’s main APC – PREMIUM
  • Churchill, Britain’s main heavy tank – PREMIUM
  • Valentine, super numerous British tank – PREMIUM and not for UK

GG Darkflow, GG


of course i use it to the fullest extend it basically something i always wanted

beside isnt it cheaper to buy in pre order than separate squad?

that what i thought it gonna work but then again they really didnt say anything about how this thing work other than “mobile rally”

In HnG, you can actually flank.


oh yea they did say that well i still assume there might be restriction after all this is enlisted where something always happen

Here you can also flank with vehicles.
For example stalingrad maps allow you to make a frontal assault or chose out of one alternative path. Another example is berlin where you have one straight street but I guess you can jump on a ramp to flank from above.


Preferred map system would’ve allowed that to not happen

WT devs usually make videos that showcases new features while Enlisted is extremely secretive about everything till they drop it into the game and then we have to figure it out on our own.

yea im already thinking how to use this without turning it into “hey look it a big rally point”

since normal rally are quite small so you can actually hide them maybe if they add camouflage as a buildable it would be cool i think

okay but do the half tracks beep
and can you put mines on them to kill people who spawn on it😂

I got locked in my spawn because of rocket spam on Xbox it wasn’t fun And the rocket wasn’t enough there was a bomb afterwards

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i mean technically you can since they spawn as long as the vehicle exist so essentially we can turn the thing into a farm

you know who’s gonna pre order them :smirk:

right in time for christmas.

about time i may add.

pity it’s just a generic rally point.

but gotta see how those will play out.

a welcome addition for mods too :slight_smile:

i was wishing those to be for free to players too though…

p.s… uniforms do not match the page’s store pictures…

and i wished them to be for riders… rather than needing a new class…