Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

dang it.

i forgot about that.


mood went to 0 in a second


What’s wrong with his legs?

Most likely AI generated pic.

How dare you?

Monorail sled with side mounted horse is peak German engineering.

And we all know that German engineering never really fails. When it does, it’s just because it’s too far ahead of its time.


You dont have to purchase event rewards…idk why anyone would

Yeap, maybe.

As per usual i can’t just buy what i’m interested in, it has to be bundled with some other crap i’ll never use (in case i ever decide to spend money here again). Since the seperate bundles are shown in the store page why can’t i just buy 1 squad?

Will it be possible to ride into a capture zone and spawn new squads inside there as well?

It would have the possibility to play ever map even if it were BR1, since you can bring equipment and vehicles from lower tiers. Bit of a moot point now, though, since we know that tech tree versions without MGs are coming with the next big update

so, if i get it right, paid premium squad users get the ARMORED and ARMED mobile rally/personnel carriers, while F2P tech trees get the UNARMORED and UNARMED mobile rally/personnel carriers?

not imbalanced, no P2W, nothing to see here, move along!!!

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f2p apc idea Sd.Kfz. 251/17, armed with one 20mm autocannon

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I never got remimburst for gold. Gold to unlock 10 unites. Also, because i brought gold tanks for certian campains those tanks are usless now unless I downgrade.
Think about this why on earth would anyone but tier 3 gold tank now? Whats the point?

The new tracks are usless. You van kill whole squad now lol. Maps aint even big enough for them. Dont waste money

That is no longer an APC, that is just a half track SPAA.

Both will get destroyed in a single rocket/tank shell/bomb or even mortar/arty/demo pack/tnt. So who cares if they have 15mm of steel or 1mm. Even AT rifle going to pen and ignite fuel tank.

Lol you forgot about small arms fire. You can easily destroy the truck by shooting at it with your gun. You can’t do the same with half track since it is armored.

And who’s going to waste two or three mags with their guns just to destroy a single truck when you can use all tools i have mentioned before? Nobody. Hmg going to destroy those trucks with zero effort no matter if they are lightly armored or not. Stop acting like 14mm of steel is as thick as Tiger 2 armor because it’s not. You should play a bit with the AA trucks and see how quickly you can get obliterated by AT rifles, rockets and tank shells across the map.

Here is BR-7 with basic shell against your overpowered armor LOL

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Lol you never use those truck on the map? You only need few shot and the engine will be on fire.

Lol I only talk about small arms fire, but you keep diverge the topic to bigger weapon. So you have nothing to say?


Everyone else was proving that there were Japanese HTs while you on the other hand were speaking jibberish.

I must admit you were right i rarely use them since they are so rare and mostly spawn at the beginning of some matches. I swear i remembered them able to withstand multiple magazines while when i tested them in editor against m2 carbine they started burning after just 5 shots.

So yeah they will be completely useless especially against tanks with lmgs and hmgs just 2-3 shots and they are as good as dead. Hp of those trucks need to be increased by 10x. However i still think that even premium half tracks going to get destroyed extremely easily by tanks and bombs.