Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

Ive been playing T3 Japan and its about even. Id imagine high tier Japan is rough since they dont get anything above T4.

Pretty sure they scrapped late/early war and its purely based on BR now

Yeah that sounds shitty. They should let us trade what we already have instead.

Don’t think Japan has any halftracks, they don’t even have a heavy tank of their own.

Perhaps they could make it so you can convert premium and discontinued pre merge squads, vehicle skins and decals into coupons and trade those for either currency or other squads.

It could open the door also to a long way down the road reopening of old events in the far far distant future when ideas run low and people with them can sell them on the market.

The Enlisted market would not have to follow the rules of the War Thunder one after all they can make it different.

They won’t, for the same principle why refunds are never allowed if you use in game even just once what you purchased. Once you take advantage of X to progress with your account, you can’t sell it back anymore.

Jungle fire update, planes that have a big bomb of fire… Does that ring any bell?

There is no rommel. There is no santa.
Grow up already.


:notes: but if you close your eyes…

Type of moment :joy: / meme


If you actually go and check most maps in game are just sectioned off parts of a larger unified map.

In fact Moscow/Tunisia/Normany and Berlin seems to be 1-2 maps sectioned off into many many tini maps.

Pacific seems to have the most unique maps and for Stalingrad i couldn’t say but it does point to the same 1 map sectioned off mentality.

All i will say is ‘‘Fallout 76’’ ye that mentality worked out well for them :slight_smile:

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If you are referring to the Drop Tank that is on the Hellcat fighter then i assume its like a Napalm/Fire bomb.

no camo on these bad boys?



That will be 2.5€ sir.


No dude, you didn’t. It’s just the Tiger II that’s the problem, but everyone knew it was going to be a problem anyway. T5 also sucks for all factions

Please actually take 10 seconds and read what I say next time

well tbh every faction but german suck in br5

I wont spend no more money or gold. All the gold tanks and aircraft I did have are useless now since merger. You devs really screwed up. Still no refund on gold like you guys promised. I highly recomend no one spend money no more untill issues ate fixed. Some of you devs need to fired and reported.

The new Ardennes maps were probably meant to be a new late war campaign, so we might see new content added alongside.
Probably Pershing, M36 Jackson and a few BR5 guns for allies.
100 round Mg42 and progression Jagdpanther for Germany maybe, there isn’t a whole lot to add that wouldn’t just increase the already too long Axis grind.


that would be nice since i dont really know any more allie gun then the once already in the game