Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

Should be BR 1 and depending what weapons you equip on crew go up or down otherwise uselss.

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id say wait for more devblogs.


:eyes: :thinking:

could also just be use to reflect a late war squad equipment for irl

Also any eta for compensation/refunds for pacific full access and useless rank 3+ non tanker premium squads?

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IDK about that, other then the Panzerfaust, all of these weapons could be in both Moscow and Berlin.

Will F2P players be getting one in the tech tree or is this another premium purchase only squad again

here is f2p tech tree alternative, have fun getting sniped out of it :wink:


hopefully not another month-long FOMO event :expressionless:


Adding new units as a premium and an event only reward is a stupid idea. they’re not very noob friendly when you think about it


Do proper research when adding the Japanese APC one cuz your guys have a reputation to mess up that factions equipment with impactful inaccuracies.

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i feel like ( and more hope than anything ) perhaps will be like the bike ( TII ) if stripped of it’s weapons.

as the bike it’s tier II despite having a machinegun 34

but by default, yeah definitely a tier III due to the gun that the soldiers have, ( the machingunner seems to have the mg 34 as a portable weapon while the assaulter an mp40 )
hence will be a tier III unless you get rid of those


Probably T2, that seems to be the cutoff point for these kinds of unique mechanics


I hope so
So I can use them without being just pulled up to Tier V


Why new soldiers to drive them instead of just tank drivers? Unless they have a special ability that is needed for the APC I dont see a point in making a new soldier entirely to drive them and further increase the amount of soldiers.

Beyond that this is a long wanted feature coming at a poor time, not many will want to gamble buying it because they are gambling on leaving or staying, you already have the Soviet paratroopers event which I think was a good move to get people to stay after the merge. I would of waited until after new years and welcome 2024 with this feature after some kind of plan for the problems has been put together and if the community has calmed down or not.

Other than timing this will be a nice and long waited feature, the acting as a spawn is interesting and also could spice the game up being harder to destroy than a rally point and could be interesting as long as it does not break the game and people can spawn on top of the objective and spawning follows the laws the rally points have on all the maps.

I see the idea of free APC event squads as well from this.


Honestly, I’m wondering whether the free version will be available again through an event or be part of the Tech tree.

If it’s accessible through an event again, that would be seriously unfair. Consider that new players won’t have a chance to get paratroopers for free once the event ends, aside from premium versions for money.

The same goes for APCs; will only chosen players who played the game at the right time have them? Plus, those who are willing to pay for them?

I support the idea of including at least some version of paratroopers for each country in the tech tree, even if they are considerably weaker and more common compared to event and premium versions. And, of course, APCs should be present in the tech tree, as they were an integral part of war, much like tanks or airplanes.


I’ve been tracking it out of curiosity to see whether or not up-tiers are as annoying as they are in War Thunder, but so far of my 12 games as a BR 3 Germany 9 were downtiers and 3 were uptiers.

And one of the nice things about BR 3 Germany is your equipment is good enough to compete in uptiers and then downtiers are so dang fun.

Where is GI APC?

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these things will become an absolute top priority target, way way above the flamethrowers which are the primary target now. i dont think their life expectancy to be above 30 seconds after spawning, if the community is really worth its salt.

in turn, this will bring a huge nerf to anti tank weapons, or an absolute overtiering of their armor so they can live more than 30 seconds.

remember the paratrooper premium squad release in normandy, and the brutal AA gun nerf?
yeah, exactly.

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that looks like mg42 to me and they said it has mg34