Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

Can APC be used as spawn points?


Good developments. I like where this is leading to. :smiley:

Okay, we need more TNT.

This game is dying, too late to add this


Maybe fix the state of the game before trying to get more money out of us?

Why didn’t you include what BR it is? That is massively important information now. Especially if its BR 3 or higher.

Also, mobile armored rally points could be meta-breakingly powerful…such mechanics should be made available to everyone before you make a premium of it.

As it is now, Germany will have even more of an advantage over the US/Brits with this. New equipment is not restricted to specific campaigns anymore. When you release new mechanics, you need to release it to ALL factions at the same time.

I am becoming increasingly worried about the future of this game, its like they are not thinking anything through…


If they are BR 3 they will have to fight nothing but BR 4-5 anyways.

BR 3 always up tiers.

If there are non premium versions releasing, hopefully for ALL the nations, then they should release information on that first.

Yet more oversight.


Pretty much.

Not knowing the BR is stopping me atm.


Can we know the BR? It should be presented for all new pre orders.


why one of the most common and iconic german apcs tied to premium paid squad? its fine to sell premiums but then at least make it some unique and rare vehicle


Idk about the German one, but the Soviet one is clearly BR2. Why? Because reasons.

The German one is probably like BR4 or so…


Have you ever heard about certain Japanese premium tank?
I suppose not…

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On the webstore there are two videos which show the squads with
German: 1 Mp40, 1 Mg34, 1 K98K GL, 3 K98K and Panzerfaust 60.
Soviet: 1 Ppsh41 (stick), 1 DP-27, 1 Mosin GL, 3 Mosin and Panzerfaust 60.
All of these weapons are BR3 so my guess that the base BR of these squads will be BR3.

Its a nice touch that they give some guns with it and also happy that they arent overpowered guns like 6 max level StG44 or Federov.
edit: You can change the soldier´s weapons, but the vehicle could be BRIII.


I think they are variable based on this. I would say only the vehicle is fixed br


Doesn’t really matter, I guess it will be similar to previous bikes or Soviet paras. And you can change their BR by editing personal weapons.

These haltracks could be literally on any BR, since all they had is MG.
Which you can build by engineers II using only BR1 weapon anyway.

It would be really meh if they did hard capped them on BR3+. It’s literally not needed at all.

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BR 0 squad?


Not so high as you can think


Just waiting for this game to go even more HLL - building resource manufacturing points will be next?

Innovation=Premium o/
Everything we asked for, a vehicle for transporting troops that I honestly really expected, but of course it was premium!

You forgot SU-100 - above 2000 produced - PREMIUM

AS-44 mod 5 - one prototype - free and unlimited