Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

yea map with cover will make the apc life a little more safe but map like stalingrad is hell for them

haters will say it’s fake:


Or any urban map from Berlin, where vehicles life is a hell of debris and choke points

That’s my main concern. For maps like Berlin and Stalingrad where most of the best rally locations are inside buildings or hidden behind walls one of these in the streets would stick out like a sore thumb and be obliterated quite quickly

i know one place in stalingrad where this thing can technically “hide” but it relie on people eye sight

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Chances are that they will follow a fate similar to that of motorcycles.


yea they will become a niche which i do like just like motor cycle

It’s a PLANE.

I mean STG 44 sniper LOL.
And about FG 42 2

Yeap because russian lmgs sucks.

What the hell you talking about?

Yea. You can’t pen Tiger 2-2 by t-34.
IS 2 - one miss you die. Due to bullshit with registration and collisions of different objects, just objects which can eat your shell(like street light) it sometimes make it very hard.
Tiger 2-2 could be pen only by is 2. Have a nice gun with nice HE and quite fast reload. It’s a best tank, which much better than IS 2. May m26 will be also good.

Panther unlock on same lvl and destroys really EVERYTHING.

I’m not asking to change something in favor of someone.
I’m just asking you to accept the obvious already.

Of course… more f***ing premium units.
Why can we not get COOL stuff added to the research-trees?
Why does it always have to be either an event reward, or premium content?

We still don’t have a “Yes” or “No” option, for team-communications.

Priorities, much? Do the decision-makers understand that many of us are withholding our money, and will not make any additional purchases, until certain aspects of this game are fixed and improved?


Very well said, unfortunate but it’s the truth

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Nah fk events and premiums, time for unlockable squad in Tech tree, I though the point of merge is making the game as new player friendly as possible, so why make them miss every god damn MOFO and gatekeep them with wallet?

Devs gonna put priority milking the existing playerbase rather than having more players playing the game? Are you guys that short sighted? Or just want to dip when the game goes kaput? And do a H&G 2?


They even are protected against indirect fire from HANDGUNS ? So OP pls nerf


Yeah these are really cool, but:

• They’re premiums only. That’s BS
• Which means USA has to fight the German one with no counter.
• USA and Japan don’t get them. Also BS.

Come on now. You can do better.


yea im very sure we might get a event one sometime soon if it gonna be like the drop tank aircraft in pacific

or just like current soviet para

but tbh i really just want some rally point that can withstand artillery so i dont have to go back and rebuild it all the time

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I fixed your message


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Don’t worry. As soon as an US plane is in the air, the German APC lives on borrowed time.

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I am pretty sure everything that is not inside a building can survive those rockets and bombs lol

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me with LuftFaust:

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…of all the possible AA options, a Luftfaust?..


I thought the whole point was that the event squads were supposed to become tech tree versions later. Which sounds really cool, except that hasn’t happened.

Now we’re going to have TWO unique classes that only people who are here now are going to be able to get.

Seriously, what’s going on with this?