Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

yes imo it way better than all aa except plane (since we can have AT guy in halftrack)

Tell that to Paratroopers, Drop tanks and more paratroopers

The Devs are milking the cow dry before they butcher it


That is true. But it’s still really annoying, especially since and APC is a lot more mobile than say a Tiger.

72km/h is fast i guess if i remember from my time in warthunder (which was long ago)

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Forgot about drop tanks.

Make that three squads no one else can get.

Not saying you’re wrong, but in all honesty I have a hard time imagining you out-shooting with a Luftfaust a P-47 or a P-38 spamming salvos from 1 km away.


well yea but that the thing i like using luftfaust and i find it way more fun to use

beside it good for practice just like how my skill got improve from playing against russian pro in stalingrad before merge

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That halftruck will be softer than a Puma, I just don’t think that US lacking one will be a significant handicap.

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yea 1 calliope rocket would destroy the halftrack squad or any tank for that matter

M5 with higher troop capacity for US as compensation


don’t you think putting core game mechanics behind a steeply priced pack is a bit much? Paratroopers are already annoying as hell to deal with (they can drop right on top of your rally points and there is basically nothing you can do to stop it, they can build rally points in nigh-inaccessible places and are generally a massive nuissance to deal with when excessively spammed and now we are going to get more rally points?
Will it at least make the radio noise? Or does it work with the engine off while making no noise whatsoever?

Or let my LVT become the US troop carrier


Those are the recent one, if you count the other MOFOs that any new players joined now, is lot more

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So wait, you make this giant update changing the game to select maps based on BRs, but you can’t even advertise premiums with their BRs? Are we just supposed to guess where this will land?

DF: best I can do is removing it entirely and give you a pat in the back, or making it really playable by sending them in higher BR

hell yeah im running to spend my money for that lol… But my AT soldiers are looking for multikills

Who cares what BR they are in. They are a mobile spawn point, which means take them in any BR.

It’s a damn truck with a MG what you want it to kill besides infantry? Lol


Well. Bikes are II i think.

Man, it’s just culture for them: instead of fixing the game they just keep releasing more and more things (which can keep breaking the game) because it’s “cool”.


Ironically, the LVT is still missing 2 crew members to man the rearward MG seats, while the Japanese equivalent kinda IS an APC already, since it’s got paper thin armour and trash weapons but a crew of 6 7 men with SMGs, except its slow as a crippled snail.

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