Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

yep more xp for my dicker max (altho the HE round kinda suck on dicker max but when it work it sure is effective)

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If talk only about 5 br.
The Soviets are worse than the Germans in aviation, rifles(In sniper rifles and automatic), machine guns and tanks.
Americans are worse than Germans in tanks, rifles and submachine guns.

I donā€™t see much difference between Americans and Soviets here. But the Germans are the best at everything (although ok, americans have better aviation)

Although you may not be able to accept the truth, as the adherents of the axis. Idk.

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Japs at BR 1 -2 is playable but yes they are suffering a lot right now

yea that why my skill got improve after fighting against russian pro in stalingrad before merge

Have any inkling as to what battle rating itā€™ll be?

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I donā€™t really see the point of these squads if you can already hop in a random jeep as an engineer, drive to a point and build a rally

personally it seem like a 2 to me i mean it just a halftrack with mg

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for me personally the difference is it bigger (a disadvantage) but i dont have to build rally now since my engy keep getting kill by random sniper

but still i gotta see how this thing perform in real match to see if it is as good as i think

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Itā€™s amazing what happens when you donā€™t fight bots


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yea and it is also life changing when playing in other faction and a little traumatic

Itā€™s a problem for the gameā€™s long termā€¦

Take paratroopers: a unique mechanic that is locked from f2p, or newcomers. Locked as premiums, or behind a fomo event.

Take the flame planes: same thing.

Now take apcs: locked as premiums pay wall. Maybe future fomo events.

Next up: assault rifles engineers. Been confirmed as future fomo contentā€¦

I cannot, in good faith, recommend the game to my friends, because too many things are locked to themā€¦ :frowning:


Iā€™m confused but still take a heart


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P-40E works fine i donā€™t need anything better, you can fight planes and drop bombs at the Tiger 2 and kill it. You wrong about rilfles AVT-40 is the best rifle in a game besides G43 Kurz, normal FG42 II has double of the recoil when compared to AVT-40, FG42 II sniper is just worthless with insane dispersion that is comparable to ppsh-41 (do you still call it a sniper rifle? lol). You donā€™t need lmgs at BR5 since Fedorov does everything better, RD-44 got buffed and you can use it like smg, want great BR5 lmg then buy Fedorov MG. Tanks are competitive you can destroy any Axis tank with no issue, t-34 destroys everything but the KT, and IS-2 destroys everything in 1 hit including KT.

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The Soviets are just overcompensating while the allies are struggling



Premier squad APC, excellent! I would love to purchase one and show it off to people!
Half-tracks are great, but I want to add this cute little guy in Stalingrad to my Soviet unit.

Can you distribute them as an event squad? This is a non-armored mobile rally point. :upside_down_face:




It IS cute!

Iā€™d use it :smile:


As soon as everyone (casuals included) know what those are, they will become priority targets and attract heavy fire and bombs like magnets.

Unlike static rallies they can move and relocate, but also unlike static rallies they are huge targets that canā€™t hide inside buildings.

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yes and that why i have to test it to see what i can do to master it

I guess their effectiveness will vary greatly depending on the map.

In example, if the map is Ministry Garden conquest an APC is completely useless, because most of the important stuff happens indoor and the open area is the size of a postcard.

On the other hand APCs may be useful in Moscow or in the Berlin train map, where they could move long distances within trees cover.