I propose to lower all Soviet drum pistols and machine guns by 1 BR lower
they are too overrated
and why is PPSh 41 in 5 BR if there is experimental junk AC 44 (which didn’t even participate in battles)
I propose to lower all Soviet drum pistols and machine guns by 1 BR lower
they are too overrated
and why is PPSh 41 in 5 BR if there is experimental junk AC 44 (which didn’t even participate in battles)
Agreed, however I believe all three should just be at tier 4, just both ppd’s being foldered like the t-28’s and the ppSh and German mp717 and kiraly being at tier 4. I also made a post regarding this and changing the queues to 1-2,2-3,3-4 and 4-5 and giving Moscow and Stalingrad 1-2,2-3 and 3-4. I also hope they add battles like the dneiper carpathian offensive, battle of narva and Kursk that way the preferred maps system which I saw a decent number of users asking for can be ideal again. Say for example the panther stays out of Moscow and Stalingrad however gets maps like Normandy, Kursk, dneiper-carpathian, ardennes, Berlin and battle of narva.
You know this wouldnt matter right even with new BRs they all will face BR 5 germany 9 at of 10 times
That’s your only reasoning? Show me some stat comparison, real facts and so.
Your post so far just comes across as “change something in the game because I think it should be that way.”
Decent clownfiesta
very sus
PPSH stays BR V, PPD 40 BR IV, PPD 34/38 BR III
Since the devs wanted to base their claim on a lie in accordance with the MP 717 and not give it the correct RPM, it goes into BR IV since it is a PPD 40 with all its stats. You should’ve fixed the stats, Darkflow; the 7.62 claim has been debunked.
Final offer, no backsies
Drum mag Thompson is overrated
Lanchester 50 is better and it is in t3
Drums dont belong into BR3 because of their squad wipe potential.
However I would also argue that not one single SMG is strong enough for BR5.
Drum Thompson, Kiraly, Drum PPSH are underperforming in BR5 and should go into BR4.
BR5 is for select fire weapons, automatic rifles and assault rifles.
PPSH Box should be moved to tier 2, PPD 34/38 drum should be moved to tier 3 and the PPD 40 should move down to tier 4. Federov should move to tier 4 too.
Yeah, its empty very fast, I dont see it performing better than MP40 and such.
I would definitely use it on BR2 for the historical feeling, but its pointless in BR3.
Thanks to DF’s matchmaking system, all BR4-BR5 smgs(except Japanese) are rubbish because we have automatic rifles.
However, it is also unreasonable for these high-capacity smgs to enter the BR1-3 matches, so we can only hope that DF can improve the matchmaking system in the future.
Isnt it the same gun with 0.2 dispersion?
Only when it has more dispersion but it would also make PPS pointless.
They can hold theyr own just fine in BR5, but I agree they are replaced by stg/as once you unlock them.
How ever if the BR will be fixed at somepoint, granting that ± 1 id say they are way too good for BR4 due to being capable appear in BR3.
Well is it that unfair considering it deals less damage per shot than most SMGs?
I mean if it has better chance at hitting in longer ranges than then the MP40 - it would still have much stronger problems to keep its damage up at those ranges, also again its very very quickly empty.
Yes but do you use the FNAB, MP3008 or the OVP over the MP40? There’s more useless guns in Germany.
this garbage will be removed from the German research branch after adding Italy
The 0.1-0.6 whatever difference feels a bit off compared to 3x better accuracy.
Except no evidence that Italy will ever be independet.
I use weapons different than most people anyway and afaik those weapons are BR1 anyways.
And also weird to say “not all those guns are used en mas so make more less used”.