good morning, the developers have said this many times in previous updates, that in the future Britain and Italy will be divided
Are you joking? PPD34/38 going to BR2 or BR3?
I still remember that Moscow’s PPD34/38 kicked the Germans in the butt until the Germans had 39M and alleviated the disadvantage.
German Army: conders MG and MP-717 are great
Japanese Army: I like tokyo Arsenal SMG
US Army: M1918A1 (drum magazine) is great
Soviet Army: No! These drum weapons are overrated! PPD34/38 should go to BR2~3, let’s go back to the good old days of beating the German BOT in the Battle of Moscow!
I admit that the current game is unfair to the Soviet army
But what I think is unfair is that the Soviets didn’t have impact grenades, better bombers and tanks, better site speed and manpower
I don’t think these crazy suggestions bring balance; on the contrary, they just tip the balance in the other direction.
Fight imbalance with imbalance, and you will get only one thing in the end, and that is imbalance
(Sources ?)
I think they also said that we will get bipods soon that you can actually use.
And I also think they told us that for almost three years now but soon they will be fixed.
Agreed. Federov and mkb should move to tier 4 however nerf the federov’s rpm to rather 450 or 500 then you should be set.
I don’t think that a 71 rounds SMG belongs to BR3, just because of the possibility to enter BR 1-2 games.
71 rounds sweeps entire squads in no time,. specially in close combat situations.
Like I said, if they just folder both the ppd’s at tier 4 and then go with this suggestion
Then they would be just fine in my opinion.
I do not see at all how the drum mag ppd/ppsh are overrated.
Whatever allows us to use the PPSh, the most common, mass produced, and prolific SMG, besides only in the literal final battle of the war
I’ve said before that the devs should do some actual tests on the test server and not treat it as early access for new stuff. Let’s see some actual tests. Let’s see how shifting around BRs goes.
The fnab 43 will not be fast in cadence, it would be on par with the m3, but it is a laser that does not move an inch. The OVP 1918 has better mobility even having 25 bullets like its sister. The most useless weapon would be the MP3008, low cadence of 520 rpm. If you are going to talk about useless weapons, you should check their statistics.
No one cares about stats. It’s about how cool/iconic
(or unless the weapon is blatantly OP) the weapon is. Everyone who’s watched a WW2 movie knows what an MP40 is. Therefore the previous weapons before it are useless because they’ll never get used again when you unlock the MP38.
Curious that you say that considering that I use my tier 1 and 2 weapons. Yes, it’s true, there are more iconic weapons, but I don’t know if some weapons are better than others in this game, although all of them can kill you. I say an mp28 can send you to the ground
No one will care about your “opinion” if you keep on talking nonsense like that.
Lol the magazine version of PPSH is on BR3, you can still use it in Moscow and Stalingrad.
Funnily enough, mag version of PPSH was mainly late war thing.
Because in the real world the Soviets realised that drum mags are very impractical.
Available from 1942, still early enough.
That’s why I have said mainly. Because it was widespread especially towards the end of the war.
Stop stalking me, I will speak my mind no matter who I am talking to.
Yes but I’m talking about the iconic drum magazine