Post Steam release Roadmap?!

While steam release was controversial and shortlived and now the pve April event apparently a huge success,

We were promised a Roadmap for 2024 outlining what we should look forward to. Q1 is already over…

While past year was merge detaled, almost all the 2023 content was released, bar the two promised campaigns in a NEW FORMAT.

Release of hurgen forest /battle of the bulge maps seemed to herald a new campaign but apparently these maps are now merged into Normandy for mapmaker purposes?

Does that mean new format campaigns are still coming? Are we getting another national tree potentially?
Is Steam returning??

Some details/ clarifications would be appreciated!


Well, the proper steam release really did not happen yet. The failed attempt we have experienced cannot be understood as proper release.

So it is completely naive to expect roadmap any time soon.

Why would we now expect a half year roadmap just because the steam release beta is delayed??

I understand trying to be efficient but at this point well be looking at half a road map (if steam is back on in 1-3 months) for basically a completely arbitrary reason.

As a non steam player, that wants to support the company, id like some headsup about their plans

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It’s not like we need a roadmap. It’s pretty obvious that the game needs polishing and a proper release on Steam.
That should be primary focus rn.

I have no idea why you need a roadmap. It’s unnecessary. They definitely shouldn’t add any relevant and game-changing content in upcoming months, since they need to fix the whole game and release it on steam.

Plus, they specifically said we’ll get the roadmap when after they gather feedback from players on steam as well.

The current plans are pretty obvious. And it’s obvious we haven’t gotten to them.
Stop being so content hungry. It’s definitely not what this game needs atm.

Or do you wish for more rushed content, huh?


Enlisted Roadmap was pointlesd because devs couldnt keep up with own deadlines. Personally, I also dont really care about new stuff but more avout fixing the current stuff.


Fixing current stuff:

  • some small bugs + better AI of bots
  • more fair matchmaking and better balance

New content:

  • new maps (Kursk 1943 / Hungary 1945 / Italy 1943- 1944 / Manchuria 1945)
  • missing vehicles (StuG IV / Turan / Kugelblitz)
  • minor Axis powers (Finland / Romania / Hungary) as a new premiums in Store

That is all what I want.


At this point you’re better off worshipping Erica or Tommy or Bazsi.

And if you would like an interesting game mode to play which is zombie related play this.
[Map] Nuketown Zombies - Game Mods - Enlisted

And if you want a map or anything to be done in that department start harassing DF about updating the Mod editor and more stuff about customs.

They have a roadmap virtual assistant. Siri is screaming “turn left! No, the other left! You have passed your destination.” :face_with_spiral_eyes:

well DF can learn from amazon on how to make better AI :rofl:

The point of publishing the roadmap is to share their plans with us.
But they have failed to meet the shared schedule in plenty of time. Even when they managed to release something on schedule, the quality checks were always sloppy, and it came with lots of bugs.
I don’t think they willingly put themselves through this kind of shame, they probably have human resource problems or something. This is the result of doing their job to the best of their ability.
Of course they would have their own work schedule, but there are probably daily bugs that need to be dealt with, balancing, and cheaters that need to be dealt with, and their priorities are changing daily. So they cannot promise us anything.
I think publishing it as a roadmap would just take even more flexibility away from their work environment and make it rigid.
Anyway, based on that speculation, I suspect that it would be too much of a burden for them to publish a roadmap any longer. I think it is probably in our best interest that we do not ask them to do so.


Campaign nowadays is just a location that contains different maps. Battle of Bulge and Normandy both feature late war Allies campaign so it is understandable to merge their matchmaking. Battle of Bulge has its own customization, so I think it is a campaign.

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2024 roadmap: survive