Pls devs add the T-35 😁

It’s been reported by Soviet sources the VAMM tank regiment which took part in the battle of Moscow managed to deploy a single T-35. This could be a nice addition to the game. What do you think?

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It would probably be OP as its firepower and crew survivability (by sheer numbers) would be much higher than any other vehicle available


That’s why I love it.

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and that’s why it would be a bad idea to implement as it would screw with any and all balance

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I think it would have the same problem as IRL version- It would be a canon fodder for AT rifles

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That’s not true:

  • Anti tank rifles would represent a serious problem since the maximum armor is 30mm;
  • The anti tank capabilities of the 76mm gun are ridicolus;
  • Gets oneshotted by the explosion pack;
  • High chances to get oneshotted by AP due the to large amount of ammunitions;
  • Low maneuverability due to underpowered engine;
  • Large profile means it’d get spotted easily;
  • Tank squads don’t reach 10 men;
  • Crew is cramped.

well i am sure you already noticed how much more survivable the BA-11 is than the BT-7. Now multiply that issue by 5-fold as there are 5 turrets, which basically mean the crew in the independent turrets cant die at the same time

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Well that’s a problem of game mechanics which needs to be fixed asap.

well until then I can’t say I can agree on this idea

Anyone are playing BF1942FHSW or Talvisota(winter war FPS)?
There is simple solution: Fire power, more Fire power, and Fire power…so that a strong tank does not matter…

It is joke. But in 1941, T-35 was broke down itself or destroyed by lot of 37mm class anti-tank guns.
If T-35 appeared in (currently) small maps, it would broke everything.
But in large and open land map? Of course, T-35 will destroyed by lot of guns, cannons, and charges…It would not make complete advantage to the Soviet team.

T-35 is an interesting Tank like Too//ooG, and it will be interesting if it appears.
It is not productive to keep denying from the beginning.

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Germans also used extremely large railguns in Moscow and stalingrad but that doesn’t mean we need them too

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add the POG TOG


Dude are you really comparing railguns with a 50t tank which owing to its armour would get schredded even by 20mm autocannons?

Is that a meme from world of tanks


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I haven’t played wot since early 2018, is it still unbalanced, pay-to-win, Russian bias world of premium tanks

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I never bothered with WOT war thunder has always been more appealing to me, I only know of these because of the mighty jingles and the slight bit of crossover between the WOT and World of Warships community

while the armor isn’t very thick, the 5 turrets are seperated from each other. This thing would be 4x harder to kill than the BA-11 as a result. It would be about as bad for the game as those railguns

Due to the aforementioned reasons it woud not be hard to destroy… it’d just take x2 or x3 more time.

and at the same time it would have MG’s firing in every direction, meaning it would be impossible for infantry to get near. The BA-11 already takes at least 14 seconds to kill, and averagely around 45 seconds to kill, using the PzB38. Meaning it would take 3+ minutes to kill the T-35 with the PzB38.
Also, it has at least 1 45mm and possibly a 76mm to take out any tanks.