Pls devs add the T-35 😁

Time is the chief issue, longer time to kill means more survivability.

If you added it with only a shrapnel shell and HE it could be interesting pure infantry support tank however. Especially if the germans also got a Panzer 4 with the Shortbarreled 75mm with no AP

Although if we went the route of howitzer tanks being added to this campaign, the T-26-4 with the short barreled 76mm would be a better counterpart to the shortbarreled Pz4

Well this is what it was intended for. You could just wait in a building and when it passes by you’d just throw an explosion pack.

The 76mm doesn’t have enough velocity to act as an anti tank weapon: a Panzer III with 30-50mm or armour would easily absorb them.

It’d take less time (30 seconds? 1 minute?) with better anti tank weapons such as the 3.7cm KwK 36 and 2cm KwK 30. Remember this tank’s crew unlike the BA-11 is cramped, so you’d kill more men with a single hit. Did I mention the T-35 carries 96 76mm shells; 226 45mm; 6300 7.62mm? It’s a bomb on tracks.

Devs could make this tank more balanced by adding 5cm-armed Panzer IIIs or Panzer IVs with HEAT or AP. Also, since there was only one T-35 in the battle of Moscow, only one T-35 can be spawned per match.

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I cant really agree with adding the 5cm Panzer 3, that would be objectively more powerful than the 37mm variant and should be in a separate campaign if added

Well this is what it was intended for. You could just wait in a building and when it passes by you’d just throw an explosion pack.

How would that work out on the invasion map? 1st, 3rd and 4th maps do not have any buildings around them. Have fun with that.

The 76mm doesn’t have enough velocity to act as an anti tank weapon: a Panzer III with 30-50mm or armour would easily absorb them.

Doesnt change the fact that it still has double the anti-tank firepower by simply having double the 45mm cannons compared to the best tank in the game as of now (BA-11)

It’d take less time (30 seconds? 1 minute?) with better anti tank weapons such as the 3.7cm KwK 36 and 2cm KwK 30. Remember this tank’s crew unlike the BA-11 is cramped, so you’d kill more men with a single hit. Did I mention the T-35 carries 96 76mm shells; 226 45mm; 6300 7.62mm? It’s a bomb on tracks.

I do not think a player carries around a 3.7cm “anti tank rifle”
Also, have you tried detonating the ammo of a BA-11 on purpose? it is extremely inconsistent.

A poll has been added to the OP.

Pokrovskoe City, Beloe Lake, Vysokovo Village for a certain extent and Birch Grove look like city maps (so tank traps) to me, so it’d not be a problem to launch an explosive pack to a 50t sluggish tank.

One 45mm gun points backwards so we could say it has the same anti-tank capabilites to those of the BA-11.

I was referring to tank guns (Panzer III B & Panzer II C). I stll hope devs will one day introduce anti tank guns for infantry units (Pak 36 or Pak 38).


Panzer 3s with short 50mm guns were used in the battle of Moscow so they should be added. Also, 5cm guns were better at dealing with infantry so this would fix the 3.7cm’s HE issue.

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Pokrovskoe City, Beloe Lake, Vysokovo Village for a certain extent and Birch Grove look like city maps (so tank traps) to me, so it’d not be a problem to launch an explosive pack to a 50t sluggish tank.

So it’s fine for the tank to be OP on the open maps?

One 45mm gun points backwards so we could say it has the same anti-tank capabilites to those of the BA-11.

My point was that you can’t even flank it because no matter what you do, there is always a gun pointing at you

I was referring to tank guns (Panzer III B & Panzer II C). I stll hope devs will one day introduce anti tank guns for infantry units (Pak 36 or Pak 38).

Would still be extremely unwieldy and not useful against something like a T-35 as they can just strafe the crew operating it

Ahhh, i thought you were talking about the full sized 5cm gun

I personally can agree to adding the T-28 and Panzer 4, but the T-35 would simply be too much

Tcatplaysgamezyt in a nutshell: “BA-11 SO OP! GAIJIN PLS NERF! I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT BA-11 IN EVERY POST I FIND”

In this case I use the BA-11 as an example as to why adding the T-35 into the moscow campaign is a bad idea. I only bring up the BA-11 when I feel it is relevant to the current topic, which it was, unlike this comment of yours.

Because it is, or at least it was, now you can pop its tires pretty easy, which is something most tanks don’t have to worry about, making it vulnerable to infantry. Its still tougher in a 1v1 tank fight but it isn’t the insane shell absorber it used to be.

Then again maybe my opinion on the BA will change after I get more time in the BT-7.

Source: I play BA-11

God now post merge I hope they take a look at porting T-35 and other meme tanks like Neubaufahrzeug or Char B1 bis when that ever comes along since low BR is now a specialized tier where vehicles like this can thrive… sigh one can dream

Gib giant interwar tanks Darkflow, will gladly play & pay!

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Greatest necro of all time, I hope a moderator won’t waltz in and shut this suggestion down, because the topic is relevant again! :sob:


I sincerely think its relevant again. Low BR is now a thriving area of the game where early war weapons dont oppress and players go for less sweatpalmy gameplay.

These are all iconic, already modeled in War Thunder (if they share models) and being giant/thin skinned bring strengths (lots of MGs, crew) but also are weak enough to TNT and being giant targets should be balanced for ~BR2

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dont use old post
create a new one