Please strengthen Soviet air power in the next major version update


That thing has troll maneuverabilty (sb 2)…if it falls apart thats pilot error (not managing your speed).

You can fly circles around anything you want at its br until the gunners shoot them down…its hilarious

Trusting your gunners to shoot as precisely as manual player aim is naive and I’m not sold on the argument. Perhaps it does maneuver well at low speeds, you may have a point there. I just usually go fast for any chance to avoid AA fire at all.

Back to the topic of the post though, the Sb-2m at least has decent payload for its BR.

Which raises the question: Why do bombers of higher BR have the same amount or EVEN LESS than this?

German aircraft, to draw the comparison, quickly progresses from 50kg → 200kg → 250kg within BR I!

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Just use your huge cannons

I enjoy the different focuses in the air forces.

Soviets go into bigger AP cannon focus and mixed payloads right from the word go. More multi purpose and can protect themselves against all but the most dedicated fighter plane.

Germans go bigger bombs and bigger HE cannon focus, but need fighter protection in any prolonged fight.

People just arent appreciating the different strengths and using them accordingly

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Do tailgunners on the soviet Pe-2 shoot something ?
cause mine dont. :sob:

But this characteristic should be based on relative balance, which is clearly not present now. I believe you can also see from these conversations that people do not agree that your so-called characteristics bring about balance.

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I can’t kill your Tiger II in the gray zone any other way

Soviets on their way to dominate the skies using outdated US planes

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La-7 is literally DESIGNED for Enlisted type of flying. It outperforms every plane in the game while under 3000m altitude, has WAY more engine power than the G55, it’s wing are fat and stubby, unlike the tiny, thin things the G55 has. The 2x cannons literally explode planes into atoms within seconds

It’s a POS you have to wrestle with…who cares? It still can keep fighting way longer than the IAR anyway

Biggest US payload is BR II

isn’t I-16 a premium plane?

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All i see is “people” dont agree because they think “payload size” is all that matters. You are only worried about strike aircraft and being a “one way warrior”. Also its a pretty balanced spread of opinions that have commented.

There is nothing balanced about giving the same sized bombs to planes that in general, out perform their counterparts in air superiority. Its a powerful feature not needing a fighter plane to protect you, which in turn gives you more freedom to engage ground targets.

Perhaps pe-3 can get 2x250kg bombs as a consolation for being a brick. you would trade carpet bombing (3 drops) for 1 drop like the bf110.

My bad. I-153 or whatever the starter plane is with rockets.

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Why? I literally love using the LA7. The only things that could be improved are bomb loads and general CAS capability, perhaps. But I have nothing bad to say about the Soviet Air Force.