Please fix the AN/M2 Stinger and Type 100 MG

Sure, differency is that fair share of if not most of soviet tanks has sloped armor and due to that stalinium bug even t60 became a meme tank that even end game tanks struggled to destroy.

Hence, doesnt exactly make sense that when something is broken due to bug or what ever and it gets “nerfed” due to fix it should receive some sort of buff to compensate.

100 round mg 151 :}

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Hahahahhaha :rofl:

I’d be dreaming if I woke up and saw an update of that.

But it would be a wet dream for sure :smirk::joy::joy::joy:

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But only the 15mm version from the BF 109-F2. The 20 mm would be a bit overkill XD

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Do does that mean when the devs fixed HVARs killing everything through walls and roofs DF had to double their damage radius or what to compensate the lack of spageti code?

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Does Stinger has correct sights ?

Because in Forgotten Weapons it is mentioned that it has some red dot as a sight.


probably not. devs mentioned they chose another sight(for m1919a6 iirc) cause original sight blocked too much of screen like vickers before.


I mean, 200 rounds for a MG is certainly powerful, especially when MG42 needs to reload after 50 rounds, but honestly… why don’t we standardise MG capacity? Like there should “probably” be a reasonable amount of ammo a soldier can carry with a MG without being pretty much superman.

200 does seem ridiculous. Heck even 100 is quite alot of ammo if you think about it.

I strongly believe that those 50 round boxes you guys see on German MGs were as big as they were for a purpose.

Now we need a .50 bmg stinger, that’s effective against light vehicles!

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With large ammo bag you can have 200/200 and it doesn’t force you to reload after you shot your 100th bullet. So it’s def a coding bug.

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With it’s correction to just 100 rounds i think they could give us a 3rd copy of that gun since it won’t be as undefeated as the current Marine’s dreamlike version.

No, 200 rounds is intended


I guess a model change will have to happen then since it currently uses the 100 round box.

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Can we have the intended 200-250mag sized MG42 now?


Kind of stupid 100rd magazine/box can hold twice as much, don’t you think?

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No need of third Stinger.

Listen to Forgotten Weapons - there were only 6 Stingers. And they gave each one gun to one platoon of Marines, not to single squad.

In game there are only two squads of Marines - 5th and 22nd Marine Regiments.

So - two Stingers for two squads of Marines :+1:

It’s not like i will be using them all for a single squad they are too precious to give to a stupid bot that would die instantly.

I planned to use 2x MG squads and 1x APC squad where each squad would get one Stinger each. IRL

Availability is a poor excuse since only single Conders existed and yet we can have four of them.

i dont see a reason why it should reload on 100th round when it is declared as 200 round weapon.


Figure 4

When fixing work becomes a substantial nerf, it is necessary to reconsider game balance. As I advocated in the previous thread, if G43DFE has been fixed, then it shouldn’t stay at BR5 anymore.
Please fix the mistakes of G43 DFE and Gerät 03 - Suggestions - Enlisted
By the way, HVAR is not even the most powerful rocket, problem is that P47 can carry 10 rockets. But last time Devs decided to nerf P47, it faced strong opposition from community, which forced them to cancel the plan.