Please dear devs, give us the ability to mod voice lines of Enlisted!

Hello comrades!

I finally found out how to work with the bank files, which include audios from the game. It is almost exactly like in war thunder. So i tried working with it and finally managed to understand how to do it.

The only question stopping me from creating a huge amount of high quality voice line mods (like in war thunder) but the devs need to make sound modding possible. I cannot wait for it to happen, i would constantly work on audio mods and i already have a list with many many ideas for voice modding… Enlisted needs it.

The main soldier could really need a new voice, what would be a job for modders of Enlisted, because the same voice over 3 years gets pretty annoying… Please give us the chance to do it too.

Dear devs, you gave us the ability to create game mods, added the ability to create hangars, please let us mod the voice lines like in war thunder… It will make the game way more unique and enjoyable…

Like we can in war thunder, it is great:


Mmhhm, fuhrer as every german soldier mode incoming.

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You cant imagine how many things and voice lines i already prepared for voice modding, it would be so great


Another use for the great voicelines of ro2


Definetly. (I prepared voice lines from more than 6 games already for germans and russians)


Ah - RO2, CoD, CoH voice lines would be nice, good luck with your modding project :+1:


also modding weapon sounds and modding uniforms (only body parts you already bought customization for, so DF gets its share, otherwise they wont allow it)
—> game will look MUCH better to new and old players.


It would be nice if you could mod in face reactions too. For example if a grenade lands at a soldiers feet, they have a look of shock and horror on their face.


I totally agree. there are so many oppertunities-

I got to say, enlisted is also by gaijin, so i would suggest asking for the same things as war thunder has, because it is possible for the devs. So that means custom maps, hangars which we currently have, and things we still need is audio modding and skin modding. I really really like your idea, it would be great. Maybe there will be a way to implement scream reactions to grenade explosions by modding but i think facial expressions wont technicallys be possible, but still there are many ways to improve immersion :wink:


I had the oppertunity to ask the devs themselves about this kind of modding, lets see what they say!


Battlefields 1 death sounds and burning death sounds


Would be very cool custom voice :+1:t3:

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can’t wait to change the italian and american voice lines. ( perhaps british one as well, but it’s alright. and not annoying as the others )

i was thinking with something from like, day of infamy.

voice overs were top notch imo.

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I got to say, the voice actor for the german anr russian main soldier were great, really great, though they get annoying after 3 years of “Kopfschuss haha!”


speaking of vo, have you noticed that the british charge it’s identical to the german one? ( or rather, the german one is identical ( performed by the same va ) in both ?

or, the italian charge is exactely the same as the russian, but slighlty variated by the use of high pitched :upside_down_face:

anyway, i was thinking to change the german and russians ones too, but i kinda like them how they are, and… well, i don’t speak german or russian :upside_down_face:

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I noticed it for the italians and russians haha… also, did you notice, when using the war scream by pressing i, the russian main soldier got 3 different voice actors-

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same goes for muricans when you are reloading or holding an objective :upside_down_face:

the voices in our heads are real.

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I really really do wish we had voice modding, i would do it all day long :slight_smile:

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That’s the only real issue I have with Italian voice lines. The guy does put in enough effort and emphasis, but he sounds like he’s just been hit in his crotch / on the verge of panicking, rather than inciting.