Please dear devs, give us the ability to mod voice lines of Enlisted!

simply horrible.

it does a disservice to the entirety or italian dubs out there and their reputation.

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i played game with worst ITA dub, like jerikoā€¦

Ma niente battle in schifezza il doppiaggio italiano di ā€œdinosauriā€ ā€œherculesā€ o ā€œil re leone e suo figlio 2ā€

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at least those setted up an example.

of what to not do.

but, iā€™d still think Enlisted one are on the verge of collapsing our nerves.

as italians.


Sound modding is possible in Enlisted, you can see what I did here Reddit - Dive into anything

Although it is very tricky to do and only works in Offline mode


Wow, can you give me an guide how you did it?

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I already asked him if he could show us how, but no response yet.



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I really hope so. I mean war thunder it works too right? Maybe they can approve voice line mods before they can be releasedā€¦. (Baszi in case you find out how to do it, could you please tell me if you know it?)


At this point i can only guess.

In theory
the following should work:

1: Edit the .Bank and asset file and repack it. This is the big question mark here. WT sound mods are made with FMOD according to the wiki.

2: The game will initiate a rescan due to hash mismatch when you try to start the editor (or the game). But this can be bypassed.

2.1: Launch the editor.
2.2: When you are at the scene selection screen, overwrite the old sound files with the new ones.
2.3 Select scene. This way the game will not start scanning the files if you modifiy something (until next launch of course) ((This is how i tried to open CRSED map files before i discovered a better method))

3: Once loaded the sound mod should? work.

Again, i would love to hear from @144786649 how they did it :slight_smile:

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I actually tried to replace the bank files with an editor, but when i tried ingame, it of course patched itā€¦ But in theory i think it would have worked

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It involves tricking the gameā€™s file verification system so that it will launch with modified files. However, it only works in Offline mode. Still, Iā€™m a bit nervous about the consequences if I tell everybody how to trick the game :sweat_smile:

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Oh my god, stop teasing us come on.

We have done way worse stuff here (Overriding server player limit for example) you will be fine :smiley:

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And since both of us were featured in the mods digest posts, we are some of the forum members who are most likely to trust with the editor :wink:

Death sound :smirk_cat: :

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I meant realistic voices hahaha

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you are now banished from this forum.


100% sure 1 of the first 5 mods with costum VO do this, you cant stop it :innocent:

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The first 20 mods will be by me hahaha