Please add "Yes" or "Affirmative" command, to team-communications wheel

As the title says…

Players do not have the options to communicate with other players, when a request is made.

For example:
-When a match FIRST starts, as each player prepares to defend or begins rushing to towards the objective.
-There are many times where someone will request a rally point or ammo boxes.
-It would be nice to have the option to say “Yes” or “Affirmative”
-Right now the only way it try and communicate to your teammate, to let them know that you will build the rally point, is by saying “Thanks” or “Good job”.
-If the player who is requesting, does NOT know if another person will build the rally point, then this player might* STOP rushing/defending the objective, to build one themself.
-So you might have 3 or 4 players who are taking the time to build rally points, when you only need 1 or 2. As the others can focus on fortifications and/or rushing/defending the objective.

All we need is the added function to communicate “Yes” and “No” or “Affirmative” and “Negative”.

It would make communication amongst console players, so much better.
We don’t have the text-chat function that PC players have, to talk amongst each other.


They used to have this but removed it. I too miss this option


Agreed. This would be a welcome addition (return).




I have no idea why they removed it, Was it used in a toxis manner? Idk.
But since console players can’t see what PC players’ chat it’s stupid to not have it.

Yeah if their reason was for toxicity, then that doesn’t really make any sense when PC players can use the text chat to swear and curse at other players.

I can’t remember which post it was, but a few weeks ago, someone shared a screenshot of the in-game chat, and it was far from anything related to teammwork.

Yeah, you’re right.
Btw I think they remvoed it when they introduced thier new “wheel system”,
Dosent make any sense.


On console we lost a lot of functionality, we used to be able to say yes, no, cover me, attack / defend ABC

Hoping the devs have this in mind as it did really help team play. @James_Grove hi, maybe you would know?

why did they removed it in the first place? why they removed the IA formations menu too?

I think that the better option would be along the lines of “I’m building a rally point (or ammo box, or whatever)”. The reason for this is that if it is just “yes” and there are multiple requests being spammed, there is no way to know which one is being answered.

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It used to be a thing and it annoyed me when they dropped it, since I used it frequently. Even though I’m on PC. It helps not just console players, but PC too since we’re often playing with international players and they’re not guaranteed to understand my typed responses.

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I’m always for more options if the developers care to enhance our ability to communicate with the team.

The “yes”/“no” or “affirmative”/“negative”, are what we need at a minimum

100% in support for additional commands (like what you’re suggesting)


“Watch out for the sniper”

“We got him”

Agreed, it’s a great way to universally communicate with the team (while in a match)