I think I'm done

Same here. Most matches I’ve played were boring steamrolls.
But I’m willing to wait a bit longer to see if devs will fix stuff. Imo it’s still too early to draw final conclusions.


Yeah man, everybody’s gonna have their own reasons “why”.
And my original post, is for the developers to read and learn from.
If they are unwilling to face harsh criticism, then they have no business in the gaming industry…
Imagine what would happen if Enlisted was released to Steam (in it’s current state).


so, what i gather is basically… “the merge did not give me the promised balanced player spread on both team! curse you DF and gaijin! :fist:
i will never forgive you anymore after this! i quit!”?

i guess, that’s fair? at least you are malding because you didn’t get the promised good match you seek, which is perfectly reasonable.

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12 matches with 91% win rate = BORING

But you-do-you


7 minute matches
8 minute matches
9 minute matches
10 minute matches


hey, i am agreeing with your reasoning to quitting the game :person_shrugging:

i’d stop playing too if the game is boring, which you are feeling. you (we?) are promised an exciting balanced(ish) match after merge, and you didn’t get it. you are angry, you are going to leave the game. that’s fair.

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More like the game continues going in a direction that is OPPOSITE of “the reason why people started playing, in the first place”.

Here’s an example of issues being ignored, for more than 10 months.
And my complaint is only ONE amongst everybody else’s (on the same topic).

January 20th:

February 20th

Have Team Communications been fixed or improved, in ANY WAY (this year)?
Answer: Nope

Since I started playing, team communications have gradually been more-and-more restricted

What’s the point of playing an online game, if you can’t even communicate with your teammates?

My expectations were already VERY LOW, so i’m not emotionally disturbed by the outcome.
I’m just disappointed (which is sometimes worse, through the eyes-of-the-beholder)

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yeah, true. i fucking hate that they remove the yes and no option from the chatwheel. like, why.

there’s absolutely 0 reason to do that. people already spam chatwheel whenever they’re in monkey mode anyway.

if there’s a silver lining from that, is that i tend to write actual chat instead of hurling insults at the absolutely inept team i sometimes (probably often) get saddled with.
but that’s like saying “maybe the real treasure is the friends we made in the ER room after you got stabbed”.

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Fuck yeah. Making memories with everybody who got stabbed by the same perp :sweat_smile:

To Op, sad to see you leave, but I’m thinking of the same after almost 3k battles, just waiting a few more days to finish my 2 year login cycle just because…

It just isn’t the same game anymore /sadface



all my friends i made in game left cause match making is now shit


I don’t want to sound rude, but if you have make your mind, the door is right there. What are you looking in enlisted? Enlisted is a casual game, far from the other options which are, pretty much, mil sims. HLL and PS players laugh at this game, where are you going?

honestly id rather paly Valkyria chronical on hard then br merged matches its more balanced have the enemy shoot at you while moving and not able to shoot back.

My god. Pitty party city up in here. If you want to leave, leave! You will be back though. I know it.

cries omg I’m playing top tier Germany and it’s just so easy. It’s like I’m BOT farming! But I can’t force myself to play other factions because I’m to lazy to make a simple lineup** cries**


@SheepleRnutz I ran out of hearts :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

That’s for some of the previous comments you left

You’re absolutely right and that’s not even the worst of it there’s a lot more hidden minds in the field that no one even knows about and we haven’t even hit them yet.

And I’m pretty sure guardian Reaper is gone but sorry in advance when they detonate


yeah, the merge was supposed to improve the game…it’s quite the opposite actually.
I started enlisted around 1 month before the merge, and the game was just golden compared to “warthunder with guns” we have now.

Before, I had BR3 weapons, and I could actually do something against tryhards. Now, when playing BR1 with my buddies, we get constantly uptiered to BR3 with our BR1 equipment.

useless DF fanboi: “but Shad, that’s just like it was before the merge !”

No, that’s where you’re wrong, kiddo. Now I have to fight BR3 with my BR1 stuff, while NOT having access to my BR3 stuff (and I don’t want to play the mess that BR3 is currently).

Before the merge, I didn’t had any issues with balance (except for vehicles). I could choose my immersive campaign, with immersive squads and weapons. Yes, sometimes I got farmed by tryhards. but at least we also had tryhards on our team. The range either must eb reduced to +/-1 BR, or we need BR decompression. Man, I feel like I’m on the WT forum with this BR crap, asking for BR decompression…

So from now on, I will immediatly desert any full BR uptier, and I encourage everybody to do the same.
I also won’t renew my premium time.


lol :joy: :joy: :joy:
Bro I’ve got the American’s maxed out, and the soviets. Do you sincerely believe I spent 4,000 matches, only playing as the Germans?

“Pity Party City”? The only people who need pity, are the sad souls who wasted hundreds or thousands of dollars on this game, buying digital pixels that will one day, disappear."
Don’t feel pity for anybody, except those who got suckered out of their cash.


He messaged me the other day, on my Xbox. Apparently he’s been experiencing a bug from within the forum, where supposedly Enlisted is not counting his matches, making him unable to engage or leave comments here.

That is concerning considering he was the main defender for any sense of fortification In this game it would be bad if we lost him to forum magic


Gaijin really be publishing games that people hate to play.


Same excuse different game. Making fun of people who spend money on a game so you and the other free to play players can play.

New flash. Warthunder been out for over 10years now. If I pay for “pixels” and this game might last me 10 years. That’s a good investment.

So get off your high horse