Please add basic tank markings (turret numbers)

All tanks in the game look “bare” without a single marking/insignia/emblem as if they are still at the factory.

Ideally it would be nice to have proper visual customization options for your vehicles in 2021 (paintjob, decals, accessories) but I understand that such are most likely reserved for MTX/gold orders/premiums.

Still, at the very least, a game that prides itself on historical accuracy and fidelity should have faction logos (balkenkreuz, red star, white star, etc) and turret numbers (even if random and uneditable for the sake of MTX).

Just add this to all tanks:

And it already looks much better than this:

For what it’s worth, planes already have their insignia, so it’s not like this is something new:



Actually it is new because War Thunder tank modells dont have insignias on it because of customization reasons, custom decals etc. Quite sure same plan is for enlisted

within reason since don’t wanna see jumbo front covered in big American flag.


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cute but not in this game

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i still want my pink shock ppsh


customization will be a thing.

won’t be hard to make as well.

just make a fixed location for numbers and insignas and that’s all. no one will be able to do:


or any inappropriate decals
( although, those were funny and i don’t deny i used some in the past over war thunder :upside_down_face: )


they should make markings only on designed placements.

that’s what i basically said :slight_smile:

it’s the same thing.

but yeah:

the " caliber of: "



and yada yada yada

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Cinsidering we have no GMs effectively atm I dont think we’ll see decals so early soon now that I saw some pics LOL

I don’t mean customizable decals (rather avoid weird stuff like above) but default faction logo (star/cross) + random turret number for all tanks.

In real life Oberheereskommando (OHK) made it mandatory to put Balkenkreuz on the tanks / vehicles…