I don’t think it matters whether we grow or not when we don’t even have a sanctuary to grow new players
Again, there is the 10 game grace period where new players face only bots and other new players. They should be able to get geared up enough in that 10 games to fight most vets on equal footing assuming they are smart, save for the ones who chance it at BR 3.
10 games are not enough in this horrible economy
I wholeheartedly agree with your entire statement.
It will get you enough to meaningfully fight everything to the end of BR 2, which is what you will primarily face when fighting the seal clubbers. The XP requirements for most of the gear in BR 1 is within the 4 digits worth of XP range, which I would expect even the most casual new players to be able to unlock around 2 games. As such, 10 games gives you more than enough XP to unlock yourself a decent SMG in every tech tree (Type 100, Sten/M50, Mp 34 and PPD 34), and you should have more than enough silver to get one for each of your assaulters as well as grenades and medkits for everyone in your lineup. While not exactly on par with your average seal clubbers lineup, it’s more than enough to go toe to toe with them if you have learned anything during those 10 games. And if those new players haven’t learned anything from those games, then they weren’t going to learn unless they were put through a trial by fire anyways.
I still do not think trial by fire is the best way to go for new players and I think they need as much time as physically possible to at least afford a full arsenal to go to BR2
You can’t baby the new players forever, you need to let them into the larger population at some point. Once they learn the ropes and have some guns and grenades to their name, I say they should be good to go.
that may be true but I wanna keep as many players in this game as physically possible
Whats next ?
7/24 free room service and 1 massage session in every week by darkflow himself ?
OK keeping the new bloods in the bubble forever is a bad thing so how about we give them double XP weekend so they can at least try to level up when it’s the weekend
here are 3 reasons:
potato pc-s
xbox one
If we get the option to lower graphics I’ll sacrifice that to play.
It’s as simple as matchmaking should be more strict, +1/-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5. The issue is really moreso that I could make a BR3 lineup, leave BR3-5 games, and bully new players with MG34s, BARs, DP-27s, Shermans, Pz IVs, etc.
A restriction on classes will not solve the underlying issue
Every country has something they can cycle at every BR, same class or not
A class restriction will only make it so I take 2 assaulter squads then an MG squad (Or 2 MG / 1 Assaulter) for example to go bully those BR1 newbies
well there is already alternative…
Is that available on PS4?
nope, but it may be available in future.
just dont expect enlisted to become something like this which would be required for massive maps and/or more players on potato PC-s or older consoles.