People hate restriction so how about this instead

If you want to bring multiple the same broken meta stuff or start cycling you should be sent to higher BR because if things keep going the way they are veterans can bring multiple of the same squad type to low BR to start bullying new players.

Pff what? Nah. There’s no issue with me bringing 3+ MG and Assault Squads with BR III equipment fully decked out and leveled to bully BR I’s
There’s no issue with people who just cycle Tiger’s and Tiger II’s in BR III-V
There’s no issue with plane cyclers who just suicide spam bombs and rockets and entire match with no recourse
There’s nothing at all wrong with any of these things. Definitely. 100%
/s for those of you who need it


At the bare minimum you should probably be sent to BR4 for your lunacy and for the others who tried to sneak into BR one or two with decked out squads you’ll probably be sent to BR3

The whole tier system they are using is actually kind of excessive in terms of balance? Why should a BR 1 ever face a BR III? At the most, it should be on rank difference similar to War Thunder. They don’t have as much balance issues as this.

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I’m not going around bullying new players because I live in BR5 but if people really wanna break the system this is one way you can do it and make new players experiences miserable so I can basically have an entire line of automatics and BR one.

and if I put engineer in every one of these flamethrower squats I can start spamming molotov cocktail launcher at BR1.

So overall I’m not doing much to break the game yet and what happens if I start spreading this information or people start using their brains and use what they have ?

No the balance is perfectly fine. A bullet will kill a man regardless of anything

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That’s very one-sided still. You can kill with one bullet sure, that doesn’t mean you are as effective as someone carrying a BR V machinegun/submachinegun.

You can kill one person, while dude with machine gun / assault rifle(submachineguns) will mow down dozens. This is not balanced my friend, this is imbalance. I honestly prefer imbalance cause I enjoy winning against those with much better weapons/tools. However, majority of new players will get discouraged given current BR system cause they will no doubt get curb stomped until they get better.

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I don’t know why you’re talking about BR 5 because I’m telling you on how you can bring multiple automatics to BR1 or spam the enemy spawn with fire bombs from the engineers and their squads

BR 1/2 Automatics are crap. Specifically, the Russian counterparts.

Use your brain I’m technically talking about steam here and how veterans are gonna break the system and murder the new players who only have one automatic and bunch of crappy bolt action rifles.

How do you want them to address that? There are toxic players like that in any community not just enlisted. You think newbs in War Thunder got it good? No they get curb stomped by vets even at low brs. This is not an issue you can just fix with one solution, as toxic players will find ways to be toxic.

Competitive players will play competitively no doubt and this hurts new players, they only way they can properly address this is by not matching new players with vets. However, you don’t get good at the game by playing against people worse than you.


Do you want the steam reviews to blow up and a new player experience to be absolutely miserable ?

But I already can guess that answer so we just ignore that one So back to the topic easy way to fix this problem is add limitation so you can’t bring maxed out squads to BR one or two.

I can live with BR I being made an isolated island to give newbies a “safe space” or whatever
However, the rest of the BR’s should remain the same


Only meaningful way to stop auto spam is bigger maps.
With current dispersion, smgs are actually underperforming and they wouldnt perform better at bigger maps.
Imagine fighting in 1kmx1km area for 150 m radius objective.
Assaulters must be smarter beause a single soldier with a starter bolt action can easily kill them far away. this game fits perfectly to big style battles.
I still dont know what stops darkflow to enlarge maps.
Imagine moscow or tunisia maps but way bigger, i wouldnt bring full set of assaulter ssquads there


hmg is way more powerful when compared to your Ampulomet i love how UC spammers are exploding every time they start driving them from the spawn

Veterans will still find ways to cheat the system they should just not be allowed in low BR and the reason why we cannot have bigger maps is because the game will start to fall apart with all the special effects and detail DF has put in the maps because if you’ve ever talked to Tommy he’s had to cannibalize his thing just to make the game function.

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true but this is for Gray zone farming and denying the enemy the area and with people working together

such as ? :thinking:

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Can’t remember the exact detail but something about making things despawn and not letting engineers make a fortress

Those limits would be stupid i could make unlimited amount of accounts and still slay newbies with basic bolties since i’m a veteran, i know how to shoot well, know the maps, have good gamesense, know where to camp, i know which guns are the best.

Just add BR of +1/-1 so BR1 would only play against BR1 and BR2 = problem solved. Or make it even better and separate BR1 from all other BRs.

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