Paratrooper event

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Historically accurate 100%

If they wanted to be historically accurate they wouldn’t add weapons that were made only once as a porotype and never left that stage. Hopefully they will make it more challenging to spawn in paratroopers (like maybe the spawnpoints system with War Thunder).
They’ve already chosen to walk down the path of arcade style, no point trying to divert it. (hopefully they will add different types of gamemodes in the future, like arcade, or sim mode)

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I dont mind the weapons tbh, nor the vechicles, what bothers me is the asymmetric balance they implement in the game, not only in vehicle gameplay but also in the core mechanics of the game, such as ticket costs (only in the invasion game mode, the conquest mode still seems good to me)

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Hopefully they will add the spawnpoint system we see in WT, for paratroopers and vehicles.
Really the ticket costs should be the same for each team yes.

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paratroopers seems to be to me the hardest thing to balance, if they go hard they very likely end up being kind of shit, to me right now, the easiest thing they could do is nerfing the capture value just for paratroopers

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They don’t really seem to know how to min/max.
Its either going to left the way it is, or its going to be nerfed into the ground.

In their recent newsletter they said that they made spawning in paras harder.

The paratroopers should have to wait a while for the ability to get stuff from their crate, and they and their crate should fall a little slower.

uhmmm that sounds pretty good, they also just like planes could, not be able to be played for the first 1:30 minute of the game, a single one of those changes could be good enough

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Hopefully they find a nice middle ground because I have the paratroopers (not the $60 ones! The Pacific and Normandy ones) and would like to use them. They should have a longer squad death cooldown, and (IMO) be able to replace the vehicle squad as they spawn from a vehicle (like the tanker and airplane squads).

The problem with vehicles squads is that only 4 people can spawn in them at one time, so people are left with less infantry they they need/could use/want. Allowing people to take 4 infantry squads instead of 3 with 1 vehicle squad would be a godsend for F2P players (like me!)

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I think if they just lock paratroopers from being able to instantly jump into every objective they should be fine, I would also like if they could replace vechicles but, for as long as AA cannons are as shit as they are right now, Im not so sure about that one, I would stick to my fighter pilot until then


They’re should be a deadzone/redzone around the caps (like with the spawn points) so that paras can’t just jump on them.

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I would like the ability to change my paratroopers boxes though because I would LOVE to swap out my M1918s for M3s in my Pacific paras.

It would be pretty easy to remove these back to back spawn spam rotations by just increasing the individual squad lockout every 3 spawns to include “squad type” every 3.

Lose a tank/para squad, cant get back in tank/para for 3 spawns etc etc

*ugh. Meant to respond to your other thread

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I wouldn’t mind. I only use 1 of my 2 para squads already anyway, and those players who seem like they can’t deal (cope) vs paratroopers might be appeased a lil.

As long as regular riflemen squads never gets such restrictions (really couldn’t, or new players would have troubles spawning stuff)


that’s what I mean. Its not a big inconvenience to have this locked.

Personally I don’t bring back to back squad types anyway. I enjoy Flavor

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Oooh, a man of culture I see!

I do the same. Each factions I use only have ONE of each type of squads among 10 slots. Exept Berlin that was (still is? Dunno haven’t been there seriously in months) a sweat lord paradise.

I even bring mortars, because.

I believe ppl whine vs paras because they’re newish, and didn’t learn how to effectively counter them (which is super easy). “But they can deploy immediately on the next cap as soon as the first is lost!” Cope.
1- to spawn a new squad, you must be dead…
2- if you don’t read the battlefield and don’t see that the cap is about to get lost and take your sweet time retreating for a couple more kills, it’s your problem.
3- “defenders suffer!” They have unlimited tickets…

What I WOULD give defense team, is a grace period of 15 seconds before the next cap zone appears on the attacker team minimap. Just to say that defenders at least know where their next stand is, beforehand.


True paratroopers dont change anything, attacker cap zone rush was a thing year before paratroopers get introduced


Yup, there are so many squads that a good for certain situations. Pays to have them up your sleave. And they all are fun in their way.

see I actually like mortars :stuck_out_tongue: always have them in my Deck. great opener on certain maps

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True! I simply equipped my squad with grenade rifle and its effective at countering paratroopers. The feeling of satisfaction when you got the whole squad with one grenade shot is astonishing! :grin:

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Personally I dislike paras due to many not logical and plain stupid things that acompany them.
Most important being teleportation of transport plane.