Panther is a lot superior to all other BR4 tanks - but is pointless in BR5 so what do we do?

Soviets have no vehicle in BR4 and BR5 that gives them a fair chance at fighting enemy armor.

T34 85 has no fair chance at fighting Panthers ever since the Panther’s post pen was buffed - while IS 2 tanks have no fair chance at fighting Tiger IIs.

  • this is the main reason why axis max BR is right now basically a Coop gamemode - people have left high BR, and only AI is left playing.

This needs to be addressed.

Don’t get me wrong, historically speaking I do indeed appreciate that the Panther is superior to Shermans and T34s. But not at the cost of balanced gameplay.

Maybe a solution would be to move vehicle BRs all down one spot - make BR1 get mixed with some of BR2 - making room for one more BR, effectively creating BR 6.


IMO panther is better than Tiger in the scheme of things…

T-34/85 and tiger have no issue dealing with each other

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well yes, Panther should be the better anti tank vehicle and Tiger should be the better support vehicle, however Tiger II is superior in every aspect.

It is not necessarily difficult for T34s to hit Panthers turret cheeks - it will usually result in a one hit kill of Panther tanks, but I would argue that it is still “weak spot sniping” after all, and the Panther still has a top mounted MG.

I misread. I thought you were talking about the t-34/85s direct opposite (panther and Tiger) which although you have to aim better, isn’t a big deal.

In any case. I don’t think it’s an issue. Most of the German BR 1-2 vehicles at low tier have to “AIM, Flank or run away” to Fight the BR 3 Soviet Tanks.

Does it particularly matter that the tables turn for Late game? Just give them a better bomber. It will no doubt come in the shape of a Yer 2 or a Tu-2

Also Tiger E is for some messed up reason BR5 - unlike Panther tanks.

It would matter to me, I don’t like flying and many players also don’t fly planes.
It is a very specific type of gameplay, so balancing tanks by giving one side the better plane is a very bad approach. Tank vs Tank gameplay needs to be balanced.

Being that as it may. Thats been the way low BR Germany has had to do it for a long time. And still does. Its also the way USA has had to do it. (and probably now Japs with Jumbo pacific)

As long as BR 1 and 2 sees BR 3, and 3 and 4 see’s 5. Doesn’t have to be this way.

I would suggest that A middle MM queue is what should be focused on to separate these match ups.

would pretty much solve both at the same time.

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Historically for the years, Tiger and Panther are "br"3(Tiger came out before Panther), KT is 4, at “br” 5(1945) you have IS-3, M26 and umm the Maus :roll_eyes:. The BR is BS. There are clearly smarter ways to do this entire thing.

How is that true?

In addition, the tiger kills the t34 with a shot at the silhouette. Except that the tiger kills the t34 with a shot at the silhouette. And the t34 should aim one pixel of the commander’s hatch on the corridor maps of Berlin.

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therefore, T 34, which is located on the same br 4, must suffer from panthers

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The Panthers and Tiger 1 should be swapped in BR honestly


you can at least give a choice of shells for the tank

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You should be able to select the complement of shells you take by percentage of your full load
No low ammo autism


The Soviet are not struggling just use the panzerfaust or look at this link on how to kill tanks

Enlisted How To: Gray Zone Filth - Mess Room - Enlisted

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Panther is stronger than most BRIV tanks, just like KV-1, as long as that joke isnt removed from BR3, Panther is going nowhere.


Dude, this tank doesn’t even punch a late pz4 into the hull.
The panthers are just raping him

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I never had issues with Panthers, at least with the Firefy/ 76mm Sherman. Probably because they “feel” more accurate than the 85mm.
Tigers are a bit harder if they angle/ hide their hull and the turret is a bit rng-ish.
That being said, all 76mms are overtiered. T4 should be Panther and Tiger Is facing 76mm and Jumbos and T-34s and SUs.

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It’s pretty easy to destroy first tigers on t34-85. Maybe on them playing only dumb ones. At least last time, I got two of them on Willgeimstrasse.

But Tiger 2-2 it’s a really problem and destroy balance.

I’m talking about tiger 2, tiger e is driven mainly by players who do not have top-end weapons, especially now

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