Pancho Villa Expedition - Mod Development

So I’m currently working on the Mexican Faction, and have created two rifles. The Mondragon M1908 and the Mondragon M1894.

The Mondragon M1908 in this mod is based on the actual Mondragon in the game, except I want to modify it to only hold 10 rounds.

The Mondragon M1894 is the Mannlicher M1895 but slightly modified, as I need it to hold 8 rounds.

Currently I am having some trouble doing this, as the game still shows the values of the guns. For instance the Mondragon M1894 holding 5 rounds instead of 8.

Here is the code for the M1908:


  item__name:t="Mondragón M1908 Mexican"
  gun__locName:t="Mondragón M1908 Mexican"

  item__name:t="Mondragón M1908 Mexican"
  gun__locName:t="Mondragón M1908 Mexican"


Code for M1894:


  item__name:t="Mondragón M1894"
  gun__locName:t="Mondragón M1894"

  item__name:t="Mondragón M1894"
  gun__locName:t="Mondragón M1894"


If anybody could help me solve this issue, that would be great.

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Updates for March 21, 2024:
Started work on Mexican Faction.
3/5 Mexican Squads complete.
Added New Weapons

  • Mondragon M1894
  • Mondragon M1908 (Regular)
  • Mauser M1891
  • Masuer M1893
  • Mauser M1895
  • Fusil Anti-Vehículo Blindado No. 1 (Anti-Armored Vehicle Rifle No.1)

Added more sandstone cliffs around the village of San Guillermo.

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You need edit magazine entity (ammo_holder__ammoCount property) or create another one (don’t forgot about ammo_holder__templateName and edit weapon gun__ammoHolders).

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I’ve tried doing this, but it still does not work.


I’m not sure if this is the correct code or not, but I tried using this and it didn’t work.

If you want update entity then instead _use:t="xxx" write _override:b=yes.


Door bug has been fixed!

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It’s here! After 8 days, the mod is released!

Link to mod post

The Pancho Villa Expedition is here for all to play! Go check it out!

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Navmesh doesnt work

Also the floor is glitching in the mexicn fort

Some visual bugs/errors i found. The map is really great and i hope you fix these to make it even better


Floor in the Mexican Fort is an entity, so the texture can glitch due to scaling problems.

Navmesh does not work for some reason, every time I rebuild it, it still has the same issues.

The Cliff errors will be fixed, but the clothes stay. (It’s an easter egg)

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Thats quite odd

I deleted some parts of the canyon that were off the map, and fixed the current canyon bugs.

I also redid the NavMesh, and it now works from what I have observed.

Will be updating the mod ASAP.

Edit: Updated, part of Version 1.2

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Just played a round of your mod, I gotta say it was quite fun

Are you sure about your stance on not including any Lewis or Chauchat machine guns? I think it could be balanced if a machine gunner squad only had 1 of them, it felt a little frustrating just having bots swarm a point in a zerg rush and not being able to work my rifle fast enough, haha)

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Well I wanted this mod to be mostly bolt-actions, however I am planning a follow up mod with this same topic. Maybe then I’ll add some of those MGs, lol.

the bolt actions are fun yeah! I think using rare premium guns like the chauchat would be really unique to the mod, there’s a lot of players who probably don’t even know its in the game

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Could you make an mod based on the spanish civil war?


Ladies and Gentlemen, I have created a sequel to my first mod on the Pancho Villa Expedition. I decided to keep it a secret so that nobody would expect it!

Mod Link

In this mod, the U.S are close to capturing General Villa, and if they win, can change history. (no literaly the ending can decide the timeline)

If the U.S win this battle, they capture Villa, deviating from the historical events that occured. If the Mexicans win, then they stay on the current timeline.

The Lewis Gun and Chauchat have been added for each side, and the canypn from the previous mod has expanded.

Don’t wait Laides and Gentlemen, instead of listening to me listing the details, play it for yourself!

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Great mod as always but here are some visual bugs i found:

Also the attacker AI doesnt go inside the caves. They prefer to stay on top of the objective

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Fixed, will be updated later today.