Pancho Villa Expedition - Mod Development

This is the official page for all progress and updates made to my Pancho Villa Expedition mod.

Background Info: In 1916, General Francisco Villa led a raid against Columbus, New Mexico, a town in the United States of America. On March 9, 1916, him and his band of Mexican Rebels burned Columbus and raided it of supplies, killing a number of civilians in the process. The United States failed to control Villa, however forced him to retreat after the attack, however enough damage had been done.

General Francisco Villa in the United States, c.1915


Columbus, NM after the Raid, March 10, 1916

After the raid, U.S President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Villa, and sent an expeditionary force led by General John J. Pershing with the intent of liberating Mexico and capturing General Villa. The Expedition began on March 14, and the U.S pushed into Meixco attempting to find Villa. They encountered much resistance from Villa and his army, however the U.S still pushed deeper into Mexican Territory.

U.S Troops Entrenched at Las Cruces, April 10, 1916

After penetrating deep into Mexican Territory, the U.S was unable to find General Villa, and ultamitely was forced to pull out of Mexico, with the last of the troops leaving on February 7, 1917. New technologies such as armored cars and machine guns were used by both sides, and the U.S learned valuable lessons in combat. The U.S would eventually use this experiene to help them 2 months later, when they officialy joined World War 1 in April 1917.

Armored Car in Mexico, armed with a Browning M1917 MG

Mod Overview: The mod takes place in May 1916, in the desert regions of Northern Mexico. In the fictional district of San Guillermo, U.S Troops believe that Pancho Villa and his gang are hiding in the area, and attack the village of San Guillermo and the surrounding areas.

An oupost from the Mexican-American War (1846-1848)

The map is a standard Invasion, with 5 control points. The U.S is attacking whilst the Mexicans are defending. The map spans over the town of San Guillermo, a desert fortress, an outpost, a canyon, and an oasis. The scenery is meant to mimic the Mexican deserts, even though it takes place on the “Tunisia” Map.

The town of San Guillermo

Each side will have 5 squads, 4 infantry and 1 vehicle. The vehicle squad will be a halftrack, meant to be a mimick of the armored cars of the day. Each side will recieve equipment that will either be near or exactly what would have been used. Some historical accuracy will have to be sacrificed in the name of “making the game fun”, but it is what it is.

El Pequeño Cañón - The Little Canyon, the entrance to El Cañón de la Muerte - The Canyon of Death


Current Progress (March 18, 2024)

As of Today, the following has been done.

U.S Uniforms have been designed and are in use

3/5 American Squads have been completed

2 Custom Weapons have been made

  • M1903 Springfield Desert Mod (Springfield M1903 USMC)

  • M1903 U.S. Army Sniper (M1903A1 Springfield w/8x Scope)

Map has been fully created

Bugs as of so far:

The aforementioned door bug - Door bug

M1903 Springfield Desert Mod - Name bug

The name bug is as follows.
For the M1903 Desert Mod, the custom name appears to the player on the menu screen and in the weapons selection screen in the bottom right corner.

Screenshot 2024-03-17 004306

As one can see, the custom names appear.

However in the death chat, the regular name appears.

Whilst the name for the M1903 U.S Army Sniper is present, the Desert Mod is not.

Instead of showing the custom name, the regular “Springfield M1903A1 USMC” appears. The code for the two is near identical.

Desert Mod Springfield:


  item__name:t="M1903 Springfield Desert Mod"
  gun__locName:t="M1903 Springfield Desert Mod"




  item__name:t="M1903 Springfield Desert Mod"
  gun__locName:t="M1903 Springfield Desert Mod"


M1903 Army Sniper:


  item__name:t="M1903 U.S. Army Sniper"
  gun__locName:t="M1903 U.S. Army Sniper"



  item__name:t="M1903 U.S. Army Sniper"
  gun__locName:t="M1903 U.S. Army Sniper"


If anybody could help me out with this, that would be great!


You can try use Shift + Printscreen. It creates screenshots in better quality and maybe without any HUD.

Huh. I thought that need to edit killLogName or item__name/gun__locName. But it seems that kill log name is gun__blk. You need write custom path and then item__name or gun__locName will affect on killlog.

And create another blk file and put there USMC rifle code:



And link to this file in gun__blk (It should start with %ugm. It’s your mod folder).

Code for sniper rifle:


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Alright! Thanks again for your help, I hope I’m not too much of a bother to you!

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M1903 Desert Mod bug fixed!

M1903 Springfield Desert Mod is now visible in the death chat!


Good. But it would be better if you remove any loggers/error messages on your mod.
For that need use original item weapons in weapon pickup entity. I mean in m1903_springfiled_sniper_gun_item use m1903a1_springfield_gun_item, but not m1903a1_springfield_gun. Or at least add collres__res:t="medkit_collision". Why need to do it? Becase collres__res loggers/error messages may be annoying for players and developers.


Ok, will do!

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March 19, 2024 Update:
Armored Car Squad added
U.S Faction finished development
Anti-Armored Car Rifle for the U.S added


Development on the Mexican Faction will begin soon.

Collision error message was not fixed, planning to find solution.


Need to add collres__res:t="medkit_collision" in this code:

Or add _item after _gun in _use:t="m1903a1_springfield_gun".

So… Code should looks like:




  item__name:t="M1903 U.S. Army Sniper"
  gun__locName:t="M1903 U.S. Army Sniper"





  item__name:t="M1903 U.S. Army Sniper"
  gun__locName:t="M1903 U.S. Army Sniper"


Thanks, the Collision Res bug has been fixed!

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Will we see any mondragon rifles? If so, will USA get Farquhar Hill rifles to balance it out?

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Yes, but they will be nerfed. The Mondragon M1908 in the game was the German Air Corps Variant from WW1, the regular Mondragon could only hold 10 rounds, so it will hold that number. It will also be given very sparingly, with only about 3 or 4 soldiers out of 36 in the total lineup.

I am thinking about modifiying the Mannlicher M1895 to be similar to the Mondragon M1894, but this is unlikley.

Ooh, I see. SMGs are probably out of the question for this time period, but what about LMGs? The Lewis gun and the Chauchat could be potential options… I think both factions had access to them

Oh, and I apologize if I’m badgering you with my ideas, but I believe in the enlisted editor there is a classic trench gun with a heatshield and all. Would those be available to US forces?

In this war, the U.S only really used the M1917 Browning LMG, which is not in the game. The Lewis Gun was used by U.S Forces, but didn’t see any service in the front on this war. The same applies for the Chauchat, where Mexican forces did use them, but Villa’s forces did not.

Okay, I’m thinking of 3 options here.

Gewehr 98 Warmod - Would not be in the game, I already have other substitutes for the various Mauser Rifles.
Kar98k Trench - Basically same reason as the Warmod
M1903 Springfield Air Serivce - Only saw use with pilots in WW1, after this conflict.

Basically, none of these weapons would be in the game.

Sorry to trouble you.

That’s not what I mean by trench gun. The trench gun is the Winchester pump action shotgun. In the game tech tree, there is the 1912 model, but in the editor, there is a 1897 model with a bayonet lug. I think it would be fun to see the weapon, so I wondered if USA might have a shotgun or two in this mod


This mod look very cool

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Oh that! Yes the Winchester will be in game. I thought you meant the Kar98k trench lol.

Screenshot 2024-03-20 164136
Winchester 1897 added, templated off of the Winchster 1912 Trench gun. Reload time slightly decreased.