My Next Mod - Calling all Volunteers

Recently, I have been developing a new mod based on the Pancho Villa Expedition (1916-1917) between the United States and the Mexican Rebels under the leadership of Pancho Villa. Currently I have finished developing the map and have a plan for implementing custom squads soon.
U.S Troops await ambush from Mexicans

I have currently a list of equipment and a rough idea of what the uniforms looks like.

U.S Equipment:
M1911 Colt
M1903 Springfield
M1903A1 Sniper Springfield
Winchester 1912
TOZ-B (Remington 1888 substitution)
Browning Auto 5
M3 Halftrack (substitution for U.S Amored Car)

U.S Amored Car on the border, ~1916

Mexican Equipment:

I have some issues however, as this project has required some research which as taken some time. It also does not help that Enlisted does not have much stuff relating to the interwar or pre-WW1 Period. Substitutions have to be used, which adds the concern of historical inaccuracy.

So I ask all of you, If anybody would like to add their contributions to this project, please reply to this post and I will gladly take your suggestions.

Sound mods, uniform designs, advice, anything is of use to me.


I accidentaly forgot to add the Mexican Equipment, here it is:
Gewehr 1888
Kar98k Prewar (Substution for other Mauser Rifles of the era)
TOZ-B (Remington 1888 substitution)
Mondragon 1907
Gewehr 98 w/Scope
Captured M1903 Springfields
Sdfz 251/1 (substitution for Mexican Armored bus)


Update: Uniform for U.S Troops has been drafted, if anybody has suggestions for this uniform, please let me know.


give that dummy model Navigational AI, and it hunts down player on map, but change map to darkness, and you got a scary enlisted horror game. just seeing that model scares the shit outa me

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Umm… not what I was going for, but I’ll keep that idea in mind…

sorry i was a bit off topic, but that image just creeped me out and gave that creepy thought.

Nah it’s fine, just was a bit unexpected considering the topic of this post.

I dunno, but I would give another one belts or remove them. Because…

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You could give the mexicans mondragon rifles. (my bad i didnt see the mexican equipment)

use the italian web. since it’s an italian tunic.

it might clip less.


as it goes for pouches,

you can use entities with attach decors for add said pouches to it.

like i did for my battle of foy historical:

to do that.

follow this guide:

but you’ll have to do alot of trial and error.

sorry, that’s as far as i can help.


U.S Troops’ uniform updated.

Tunic was changed for a more khaki color that was more accurate for the time-period.
Webbing was changed to ITA Webbing, thanks to ErikaKalkbrenner for the suggestion.
Backpack was changed to be more khaki.

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