Door Bug?

Recently I have been developing my Pancho Villa Expedition mod, when I noticed that the doors for wooden buildings have suddenly been corrupted. This error showed up just after the Stronger than Steel Update, and causes the doors to look as if there is an empty void behind them.

A door that clearly does not belong

I find that this issue occurs only with this specific kind of door, specifically russia_door_decor_ext_2200_a_r, and has been a problem in all of my mods that take place in Tunisia.

However in Moscow, the doors function properly, and do not show any sign of being corrupted.

A door in its native Motherland, functioning properly

I believe this is an issue with the door’s textures, if anybody who works at Darkflow sees this, please let the devs know to get it fixed. If any game dev happens to see this, please fix it. I’m not exactly trying to have people who play my mods say “What the hell is wrong with this door?

Anyways, thanks for reading this post, and have a good one!

If anybody is interested in my mod, some info can be found here: My Next Mod - Calling all Volunteers


It’s probably happens because of shaderVars properties/settings in shader_vars__vars. Tunisia contains another texture for paint_details_tex as result some rendinsts may have another colors. You can try to use moscow paint_details_tex on your desert map.

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I notice the same problem when I was adjusting my graphics in the practice range

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