Pacific M2A4 vs Ha-Go

is this some sort of joke? both have the same size cannon 37mm, fine, but the Ha-Go has got cardboard thin armor on all sides 12mm max while the M2A4 has atleast 15mm thick armor on all sides, kinda easy to see which one gonna have the most advantage in a head to head tank battle

There is no weaker US tank in WT where this game steals models, so what were the devs supposed to do.

steal stronger japanese tanks? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the lighter, weaker tanks are present for two reasons, and balanced about as well as they could be at the moment.

  1. Enlisted has had a consistent problem in other campaigns with Vehicles dominating the battlespace, in what isn’t primarily a combine arms game, so the weaker vehicle choices and addition of carriers, as well as starter SPAA, was designed to reduce the impact vehicles have on this campaign. They may even have almost got that right.
  2. Either faction’s ATR can reliably pen all of the enemie’s vehicles at any practical distance, or in the case of the Japanese auto-cannon “rifle” that weighs as much as two japanese soldiers, at any distance with line of sight.

Sure, the M2A4 has 25mm of front armor, but the Ha-Go get’s APHE while the Stuart gets solid AP or HE. The Ha-go can survive a hit from solid shot, losing a crew memeber or two, but the M2 shouldn’t survive a penetrating hit from the Ha-go. Balance.

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The gun is 52kg.

Well the Ha Go is kinda iconic, not including it would be like not having the Panzer IV in Berlin. Yeah sure it would make sense not to if you want pure balance, but if you can sacrifice a bit of balance, you can get some more historically notable things.

The Americans used stuarts in the Pacific actually, and they dominated there


115lbs, without the gun shield or carry handles it had IRL, 150lbs with them. I was, admittedly, exaggerating, but it’s still absurd that your average imperial japanese solder, at 5’3.5" and 120lbs, is sprinting around a battle with 6’ 115lbs of ant-tank light cannon on his back.

*For those who measure using more sensical, non-freedom units, the average japanese soldier was 54kg at 1.6 meters tall, rounded. The gun is 52kg, 1.8 meters long.

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The problem i found is that Ha-Go canon is utter garbage and nothing saves it, this gun deal no dmg and has 0 splash.
This tank can’t even use MG in reliable way, it should be rebalanced.
Also Ha-Go had actually 30mm on turret and 12mm on Hull, which is nothing like in the game values.

ha go

I was refering to WT data.
Still you see 12mm on Front, also the photo is incomplete, Turret Armor was in fact 12mm but Turret Mantlet was 30mm.

AT gunners are just the exceptional samurai chads.

Highly doubt it. Ha go only have 11g of explosive. In other hand tanks like pz3b have 22g of explosive, and it only kill 1 to 2 people per shot most of the time. So Ha go most probably will only kill 1 people per shot.

You know, I didn’t know it was so little explosive. That’s so little it’s not worth even having it, really.

Maybe M8 light armored car will be counterpart.

And the US 37mm has splash? If you consider having to hit a enemy directly with the 37mm HE good splash, you might want to go and play a tank that actually has usable HE.

Sadly the M8 was not used by the USMC, it was pretty much exclusively a US Army vehicle used in the European theater. You’d be hard pressed to find one in the pacific until the US occupation of mainland Japan.

M8 LAC was used in Pacific front, too. In pacific front there are not only American marine and navy but also American army forces

The .50 cal will make it even better than the M2A4 though, as proven by the M13.

They were used in the Philippines, and there are sketchy but reliable enough sources that cite them as being in Okinawa.